Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
2 sets:
100m Run (at workout pace)
20-second Bike (at workout pace)
Freedom (RX’d)
Teams of 2; 4 sets
5:00 AMRAP
400m Run (together)
Max Calorie Air Bike or Row in remaining time (shared)
-rest 3:00 between sets-
Teams can choose Bike or Row, or alternate between the two.
No Change to Workout
Teams of 2; 4 sets
5:00 AMRAP
300m Run (together)
Max Calorie Air Bike or Row in remaining time (shared)
-rest 3:00 between-
Target number of Calories each set: 50/35+ Calories
Minimum number of Calories before scaling: 30/24 Calories
4 rounds:
10 Weighted Hip Thrust @ moderate weight RPE 7
10 Rear foot elevated DB Split Squat (each side) @ moderate weight RPE 7
10 Band Pull Through @ moderate weight RPE 7
15 Standing Banded Pallof Press (each side)
30 yd Isolateral DB Farmers Carry (left)
30 yd Isolateral DB Farmers Carry (right)
*Rest 3 minutes b/t rounds
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
6:00 AMRAP
3 Inch Worms
5 Clean Grip Deadlifts (PVC - Empty bar)
4 High Hang Muscle Cleans + Shoulder Press (PVC - Empty bar)
3 Hang Power Clean and Push Press (PVC - Empty bar)
2 Power Clean and Jerks (PVC - Empty bar)
10 sets of 3 Power Clean and
Jerks (1 set every 1:15)
* Weight should be 50% of
1RM + 5-10lbs from previous
* All reps should be
completed as singles. Aim
to complete 1 rep every 5-8
2 sets:
3 Dumbbell Deadlifts
2 Dumbbell Hang Power
2 Dumbbell Push Ups
*Build in weight
10:00 AMRAP
Freedom (RX’d)
12 Dumbbell Deadlifts (50s/35s)
8 Dumbbell Hang Power
Cleans (50s/35s)
6 Dumbbell Push Ups (50s/35s)
12 Dumbbell Deadlifts (35s/25s)
8 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans (35s/25s)
6 Dumbbell Push Ups (35s/25s)
10 Dumbbell Deadlifts (light)
8 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans (light)
6 Bar Push Ups
1 Min Dorsiflexion Matrix
1 Min Barbell Forearm Stretch
2x 10 Down Dog
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
6:00 AMRAP
2x50ft Shuttle Run
5 Kip Swings
10 Alt. V-Ups
5 Back Squats
3 Worlds Greatest Stretch (each side)
Back Squat for load:
#1: 5 reps @ 40%
#2: 5 reps @ 50%
#3: 5 reps @ 60%
We will use 90% of our heavy single weight as our base weight for each
session + adding 5-10lbs
2 sets:
5 Wall Balls
3 Toes to Bar
1x50ft Shuttle Run
Score Time
Freedom (RX’d)
5 Rounds
20 Wall Balls (20/14)
15 Toes to Bar
10x50ft Shuttle Run
Each shuttle run rep is 25 feet down + 25 feet back
5 Rounds
15 Wall Balls (20/14)
10 Toes to Bar
10x50ft Shuttle Run
Each shuttle run rep is 25 feet down + 25 feet back
5 Rounds
12 Wall Ball Thrusters (light)
12 Hanging Knee Raises
6x50ft Shuttle Run
Each shuttle run rep is 25 feet down + 25 feet back
Target time: 12-14 minutes
Time cap: 18 minutes
3 minutes of easy cardio (this can be walk, a slow row, machine ride, etc.)
2x8 Bretzel
2x10 Foam Roll Up Wall
1 Min Calf Foam Rolling
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
6:00 AMRAP
1:00 Bike (build in pace)
10 Roll and Reach
5 Inch Worms
-With Partner-
2 Sets:
5/4 Calorie Air Bike (practice transitions)
2 Synchro Burpees
This workout was written in honor of the 343 firefighters who lost their lives on 9/11/2001 in the terrorist attacks on New York City.
Freedom (RX’d)
Teams of 2:
343/275 Calorie Air Bike
- at the clock start (0:00) perform 11 Synchro Burpees and repeat every 3 minutes after that.
Teams of 2:
275/220 Calorie Air Bike
- at the clock start (0:00) perform 11 Synchro Burpees and repeat every 3 minutes after that.
Teams of 2:
200/170 Calorie Air Bike
- at the clock start (0:00) perform 11 Synchro up downs and repeat every 3 minutes after that.
Limited Equipment Option
Teams of 2
3430m Run (together)
Every 3:00 and 0:00, stop and perform 11 Synchro Burpees
Teams can switch on the bike as often as desired, but every 3 min (including zero), both partners must stop and perform 11 synchro burpees.
Target time: 25-27 minutes
Time cap: 32 minutes
4 Rounds
10 Double Dumbbell Hammer Curls @ moderate weight – maintain quality RPE 7
10 Barbell Skull Crushers @ moderate weight – maintain quality RPE 7
-Rest 1 min b/t rounds-
3 minutes of easy cardio (this can be walk, a slow row, machine ride, etc.)
2x 1 Min Ring Bicep Stretch
2x 45 Sec Ring Tricep Stretch
45 Sec Supine Twists
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
6:00 AMRAP
30-second Jump Rope
10 Cossack Squats
10 Hollow Rocks
10-second Handstand Hold
5 Pike Push Ups
Score Reps
If you missed last week, Mayhem instructs the athlete to do the max HSPU/Pike PU first, and THEN do the EMOM
Strict Handstand Push ups
Odd: 30-second handstand hold against wall (back against wall)
Even: 30-second max strict handstand push-ups or deficit strict handstand push-ups
Odd: 30-second handstand hold against wall (back against wall)
Even: 30-second max tricep push-ups
Odd: 30-second handstand hold with feet or knees on a box, or a plank hold.
Even: 30-second max elevated push-ups
3 sets
12 Dumbbell Front Raises (leave 2 reps in the tank)
-rest 30sec-
30% of max set strict handstand push-ups/box handstand push-ups/push-ups from Week 1
-rest 60sec-
NOTE: if you missed the baseline test last week, do this first and then do the EMOM8.
Freedom: 1 set of max strict handstand push-ups
Independence: 1 set of max strict box handstand push-ups (note the box height used)
Liberty: 1 set of max push-ups or elevated push-ups
2 sets:
10 Double Unders
5 Goblet Squats (build in weight)
3 GHD’s
Freedom (RX’d)
Double Unders
Goblet Squat (53/35)
15 GHDs (Or V-Ups) after each round
Double Unders
Goblet Squat (35/26)
10 GHDS (Or V-Ups) after each round
(KG conv: 16/12)
SIngle Unders
Goblet Squat (light)
15 sit ups after each round
Stimulus and Goals
Target time: 10-12 minutes
Time cap: 15 minutes
3 minutes of easy cardio (this can be walk, a slow row, machine ride, etc.)
1 Min Cat Cow
1 Min Forearm Smash
2x 10 Seated External Rotations (each side)
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
6:00 AMRAP
3 Inch Worms
10 Alternating V-Ups
10 Kip Swings
5 Deadlifts (empty bar - build across sets)
Deadlift for load:
#1: 5 reps @ 40%
#2: 5 reps @ 50%
#3: 5 reps @ 60%
We will use 90% of our heavy single weight as our base weight for each session + adding 5-10lbs
Example: Your heavy single in the deadlift is 300 lbs, so you will use 270 lbs (90%) + 5-10lbs total for your training-weight calculations. Therefore,
all of your percentages will be based off of 280 lbs, not 300.
2 Sets
2 Power Snatch
2 Overhead Squats
1 Squat Snatch
3 Chest to Bar
-Empty bar-build in weight
Freedom (RX’d)
Snatch (115/85)
Chest to Bar
* The Snatches are Squat, not Power
Snatch (95/65)
Pull Ups
Alternating Dumbbell Snatch (light)
Jumping Pull Ups
Target time: 7-9 minutes
Time cap: 12 minutes
Large Class Target Time: 12-14 minutes
Large Class Time Cap: 18 minutes
3 minutes of easy cardio (this can be walk, a slow row, machine ride, etc.)
15 Bootstrappers
1 Min Couch Stretch
1 Min Ring Lat Stretch
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
6 minute AMRAP
10 glute bridges
5 deadlifts (empty bar/build across sets)
10 yard sled push + 10 yard sled pull (or 5 front squats, empty bar/build across sets).
With partner
2 sets:
3 deadlifts (each/build in weight)
3 S2OH (each/build in weight)
10 yard sled push (each/build in weight),(or 5 front squats)
Teams of 2 - 2 Rounds
Freedom (RX’d)
50 Deadlifts (225/155)
50 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)
150yd Sled Push (3x45/2x45) (Or 50 Front Squats (135/95)
*All reps are shared, with one partner working at a time.
50 Deadlifts (185/125)
50 Shoulder to Overhead (95/65)
150yd Sled Push (2x45/1x45) (Or 50 Front Squats (95/65)
50 Dumbbell Deadlifts (light)
50 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead (light) 100yd Sled Push (1x45/empty) (Or 50 Dumbbell Front Squats (light)
Large Class Option
50 Deadlifts (225/155)
50 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)
50 Front Squats (135/95)
TARGET SCORE Target time: 17-19 minutes Time cap: 25 minutes
4 sets:
15 strict abmat sit ups
0:30 second hanging L-sit hold
10 KB side bends (each side)
7 alligator rolls (each side): laying on your back, arms and legs extended in hollow rock position, roll left and right from your back to your stomach
30 yard KB front rack/overhead carry (left)
30 yard KB front rack/overhead carry (right)
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
2:00 Air Bike
5 Inch Worms
5 Snatch Deadlifts (PVC-
empty bar)
3 Hang power Snatch (PVC-
empty bar)
2 Power Snatch (PVC-empty
* Weight should be 50% of
1RM - Weight stays the same over all 10 sets.
* All reps should be
completed as singles. Aim
to complete 1 rep every 5-8
2 sets
2 situps
4 cal bike
4 wall balls
15 min AMRAP
30 seconds on/30 seconds off
Max Calorie Air Bike
At 16:00
Rx: 50 Wall Balls (30/20)
75 Wall Balls (20/14)
Scaled: 50 wall balls or wall ball tosses (any weight)
Partner - Teams of 2
*Rotating bike with synchro wall balls
The score for this workout is the total number of calories on the bike by the individual or collective team.
Intensity: high intensity
Target number of Calories: 225/180 calories on the Assault Bike
Minimum number of Calories before scaling: 150/120 calories Assault
Wall Balls
Target Time Part 2: 3 - 3:40
Time Cap Part 2: 4 minutes
15 Bootstrappers (same as “dynamic squat stretch”, grab toes with legs straight and then drop your butt into a full squat without letting go of your toes)
4x5 Quad Foam Rolling
(each leg)
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
6 minute AMRAP
0:10 second handstand hold
5 pike push ups
5 step ups (5 each leg)
100 m jog
6 Week Handstand Push-up
Strength Cycle
During this gymnastics
cycle, we will be focusing
on improving your strict
handstand push-up strength.
Whether you have a goal to
eventually get your first strict
handstand push-up, or are
already there and want to get
stronger, this cycle will work
for you!
Baseline test
Freedom: 1 set of max strict handstand push ups
Independence: 1 set max strict box handstand push up (pike push ups on box), (note height of box used)
Liberty: 1 set max push ups or elevated push ups.
1 set: 100 m run (workout pace)
1 wall walk
4 alternating single dumbbell box step ups
20 minute AMRAP
400m run
6 wall walks
18 single dumbbell alternating box step ups 50/35; 24/20
400m Run
4 Wall Walks
18 Single Dumbbell Alternating Box Step Ups
35/25; 20”
300m Run
6 Inch Worms
12 Single Dumbbell Alternating Box Step Ups
10-15lbs; 20”
1 minute quads/glutes foam roll
1 minute Barbell forearm stretch
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
8:00 AMRAP
:30 Jump Rope
5 Dynamic Squat Stretches (while grabbing your toes, move from standing with legs straight to a full squat)
5 Deadbugs (while laying on your back, extend alternating arms and legs ex. right arm extends/left leg extends)
5 Back Squats (empty bar -
build in weight)
5 Strict Knees to Elbow
4 Up-downs Over Box
Back Squat for load:
#1: 10 reps @ 65%
#2: 5 reps @ 75%
#3: 3 reps @ 85%
#4: 1+ reps @ 95%
We will use 90% of our heavy
single weight as our base
weight for each session +
adding 5-10lbs
2 sets
10 Double Unders
3 Toes to Bar
2 Burpee Box Jump Overs
Freedom (RX’d)
2 sets (New set every 10:00)
150 Double Unders
35 Toes to Bar
20 Burpee Box Jump Overs (20)
2 sets (New set every 10:00)
100 Double Unders
30 Toes to Bar
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs (20/16)
2 sets (New set every 10:00)
150 Singles
30 Hanging Knee Raises
15 Box Step Ups (20)
Workout is scored for total time on each set (2 scores total). Stimulus is
moderate, consistent effort. Athletes will begin Set 1 at 0:00. When the
final BBJO is completed, athletes will rest until the 10:00 mark and then
start Set 2. Athletes should earn at least 2:00 rest between sets 1 and 2 and
modify volume if needed to hit this recommended rest time. Athletes should
be mindful of effort on Double Unders and Toes to Bar to avoid potential
3 minutes of easy cardio (this can be walk, a slow row, machine ride, etc.)
20 Shoo the Cat
1 Min Dorsiflexion Matrix
1 Min Foot Smash
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
-200 m run
-5 inchworms with push up x 1
-3 HSPU or 3 pike push ups
-10 air squats
-5 pull ups
-10 ft handstand walk or 2 wall walk
-1 rope climb or 3 strict pull up/kipping or ring rows
-3 HSPU or pike push ups or hand release push ups or push ups on bench
-200 m run (together)
-10 ft handstand walk or 1 wall walk or 10 ft bear crawl
Freedom (RX'd)
-20 rope climbs (or 60 strict pull ups)
-100 HSPU
-1600 m run (together)
-100 ft Handstand walk (each)
*for the rope climb/pull ups and HSPU: share the reps any way. Non working athletes must hold plank position from the elbows while partner is working.
36 minute time cap
Teams of 3
-15 rope climbs (or 45 strict pull ups/kipping pull ups )
-75 HSPU/pike push up (ground or box)
-1200 m run (together)
-50 ft handstand walk (each) or 4 wall walks each
for the rope climbs/pull ups/HSPU, share the reps as desired. Non working athletes must hold plank from the elbows while partner is working.
36 minute time cap
Teams of 3
10 toes to bar or knees to elbows or leg raises, ring rows
20 DB strict shoulder press
800 m run/walk (together)
50 ft bear crawl
*for the rope climbs/pull ups/HSPU, share the reps as desired. Non working athletes must hold plank from the elbows while partner is working.
36 minute time cap
400 m run as a team at slow pace.
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 10 Calorie Bike
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- 10 Calorie Bike
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 MB Tosses
- 10 Calorie Bike
21min EMOM (7 Rds)
- Calorie Bike
Alpha: 20/14; 53/35
Omega: 16/12; 44/26
Fitness: 14/10; 35/20
- Dragon Pose
- Straddle Pose
- Legs Up Wall
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Inchworms
- 10 Air Squats
- 5 KB RDL
- 5/5 KB Presses
- 5/5 KB Rows
- 8 Goblet Squats
- 10 KBS
- 0.3 Mile Bike
- Foam Roll Glutes/Hams
15min AMRAP
- 6 Deadlifts
- 7 Burpee Pull-Ups
- 14 KBS
- 200m Run
Alpha: 225/155
Omega: 185/125
Fitness: 135/95
- Supine Twist
- Pigeon Pose
- Foam Roll Hams/Glutes/Quads
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 250m Row
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 250m Row
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 250m Row
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- Smash Forearms/Triceps
*1000m Row
Three Rounds
- 20 AbMat Sit-Ups
- 10 Double KB Front Rack Reverse Lunges
*750m Row
Two Rounds
- 20 AbMat Sit-Ups
- 10 Double KB Front Rack Reverse Lunges
*500m Row
One Round
- 20 AbMat Sit-Ups
- 10 Double KB Front Rack Reverse Lunges
Alpha: 44/26
Omega: 35/20
Fitness: 18/20
- Seal Pose
- Twisted Cross
- Foam Roll Glutes/Hams
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 12/9 Calorie Bike
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 200m Run
- Banded Blackburns
5min AMRAP
Buy-in: 35/20 Calorie Bike
- 9 Power Cleans
- 21 DU/36 Singles
*Rest 1 min
Alpha: 95/65; DU
Omega: 75/55; DU
Fitness: 45/35; Singles
5min AMRAP
Buy-in: 25/15 Calorie Bike
- 6 Power Cleans
- 21 DU/36 Singles
*Rest 1 min
Alpha: 115/75; DU
Omega: 95/65; DU
Fitness: 55/45; Singles
5min AMRAP
Buy-in: 15/10 Calorie Bike
- 3 Power Cleans
- 21 DU/36 Singles
Alpha: 135/95; DU
Omega: 115/75; DU
Fitness: 75/55; Singles
- Dragon Pose
- Low Dragon
- Couch Stretch
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 5 Hanging Shoulder Shrugs
- 5 Kip Swings
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 10 Lunges w/Pass-Through
- 10 OHS w/PVC
- 5 Thrusters w/PVC
- Scorpion Stretch
- Lizard Pose
- Down Dog
- Seated Straddle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 400m Run
- 10 MB Sit-Ups
- 10 MB Squats
- 10 MB Tosses
- 400m Run
- 800m Run
- 40 WBS
- 600m Run
- 30 WBS
- 400m Run
- 20 WBS
- 200m Run
- 10 WBS
Alpha: 20/14
Omega: 16/12
Fitness: 14/10
- Low Dragon
- Bound Ankle
- Seated Straddle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Duck Walk
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- 15 Sit-Ups
- 10 Glute Bridges
- 10 Push-Ups
- Banded Low Dragon
- DU or x2 Singles
- AbMat Sit-Ups
- Front Squats
Alpha: 95/65
Omega: 75/55
Fitness: 45/35
- Legs Up Wall
- Saddle Pose
- Down Dog
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Push-Ups
- Plank Walk
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 10 Ring Rows
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups/RR
- OH Distraction
Four Rounds
- 400m Run
- Max Unbroken Strict Pull-Ups
- 400m Run
- Max Unbroken Push-Ups
Alpha: Strict
Omega: Kipping
Fitness: Banded/RR
*Record Reps
- Dragon Pose
- Couch Stretch
- Saddle w/Eagle Arms
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Bear Crawl
- 5 Swimmers
- 10 Plank KB Drags
- 5 Diamond Push-Ups
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 5 KB RDL
- 6 Goblet Squats
- 5/5 KB Rows
- 5/5 KB Presses
- 15 KBS
- Banded Blackburns
Three Rounds
- 21 Deadlifts
- 15 Pull-Ups
- 9 Front Squats
Alpha: 155/105
Omega: 135/95
Fitness: 115/75
- Twisted Cross
- Supine Twist
- Thread the Needle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
Two Sets
- 250m Row
- 5 Push-Ups
- 200m Run
- 10 Lunges
- 0.3 Mile Bike
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Banded Face Pulls
- 2 mile Bike
- 800m Run
- 1600m Row
*Complete Any Order
- Low Dragon
- Seal Pose
- Forward Fold
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 0.3 mile Bike
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 6 Step-Ups
- 8 Sit-Ups
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 8 Push-Ups
- 6 Strict Pull-Ups
- 5 Ring Rows
- Instep Series Stretch
Three Rounds
- 15 Power Cleans
- 15 Lateral Burpees Over Bar
Directly Into…
Three Rounds
- 15 Push Jerks
- 15 Box Jumps/Steps 24/20
Alpha: 115/75
Omega: 95/65
Fitness: 75/55
- Lizard Pose
- Double Needle
- Puppy Dog
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- ½ Mile Bike
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Push-Ups
- 10 Air Squats
- 5 Pull-Ups
- 200m Run
Seven Rounds
- 7 Deadlifts
- 200m Run
- 15 C2B Pull-Up
Alpha: 225/155; C2BPU
Omega: 185/125; PU
Fitness: 135/95; RR
- Supine Twist
- Dragon Pose
- Low Dragon
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
Two Sets
- 200m Run
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Air Squats
- 5 Pull-Ups
- Scorpion Stretch
- 50 WBS
- 200m Run
- 50 Med Ball Sit-Ups
- 200m Run
- 50 MB Cleans
Alpha: 20/14
Omega: 16/12
Fitness: 14/10
- Lizard Pose
- Bound Ankle
- Frog Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 10 Calorie Bike
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 10 Ring Rows
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- OH Distraction
Four Rounds
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 10 Floor Press
- 15 Calorie Bike
Alpha: Strict; 115/75
Omega: Kipping; 95/65
Fitness:Banded; 75/55
- Saddle w/Eagle Arms
- Down Dog
- Double Needle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Bear Crawl/Crab Walk
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Diamond Push-Ups
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 5 Air Squats
- 5/5 Lunges
- 200m Run
- Banded Blackburns
- 30 Deadlifts
- 600m Run
- 20 Power Cleans
- 400m Run
- 10 S2OH
- 200m Run
Alpha: 135/95
Omega: 115/75
Fitness: 95/65
- Twisted Cross
- Supine Twist
- Foam Roll Glutes/Hams/Quads
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 15 Calorie Row
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 10 Plank KB Drags
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 10 Lunges
- 5/5 KB Presses
- 5/5 KB Rows
- 15 KBS
- 3min DU Practice
Three Rounds
- 80 DU/100 Singles
- 40 AbMat Sit-Ups
- 20 Calorie Row
- 10 KB Alt. Hang Snatch
Alpha: DU; 53/35
Omega: DU; 44/26
Fitness: Singles; 35/20
- Low Dragon
- Seal Pose
- Forward Fold
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 400m Run
- Duck Walk
- Sled Push/Pull
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 5 Air Squats
- 10 Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Instep Series Stretch
- Dragon Pose
- Thread the Needle
- Supine Twist
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
Two Sets
- 200m Run
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5/5 Jumping Lunges
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 5 Pull-Ups
28min AMRAP
- 50 DU/75 Singles
- 200 m Run
- 10 Push Jerks
- 0.3 Mile Bike
Alpha: DU; 135/95
Omega: DU; 115/75
Fitness: Singles; 75/55
- Low Dragon
- Foam Roll
- Single Leg Saddle Pose
- Single Leg Forward Fold
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- ½ Mile Bike
- Duck Walk
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Air Squats
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 5 Swimmers
- 10 Push-Ups
- Bear Crawl
- 7 Pull-Ups
- Instep Series Stretch
- Power Cleans
- Pull-ups
- Front Squats
- Pull-Ups
Alpha: 135/95
Omega: 115/75
Fitness: 95/65
- Foam Roll Glutes/Hams
- Saddle w/Archer Arms
- Bound Ankle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 0.3 Mile Bike
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 5 Pull-Ups
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Push-Ups
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 200m Run
- OH Distraction
Three Rounds
- ½ Mile Bike
- 30 AbMat Sit-Ups
- 20 Lateral Barbell Burpees
- 10 Front Rack Reverse Lunges
Alpha: 115/75
Omega: 95/65
Fitness: 75/55
- Lizard Pose
- Seal Pose
- Legs Up Wall
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Diamond Push-Ups
- 5 Wide Grip Push-Ups
- Sled Pull/Push
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 5 Box Jumps/Steps
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 10 Plank K2E
- 200m Run
- Banded Face Pulls
- 75 Box Jumps/Steps
- EMOM starting 0:00
- 3 Burpees
Alpha: 30/24
Omega: 24/20
Fitness: 20/18
- Twisted Cross
- Dragon Pose
- Saddle w/Eagle Arms
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
Two Sets
- 9/6 Calorie Row
- 5 MB Push-Ups
- 5 MB Presses
- 5 MB Squats
- 5 MB Tosses
- 5 MB Cleans
- Banded Blackburns
Five Rounds
- 15/12 Calorie Row
- 15 WBS
Alpha: 20/14
Omega: 16/12
Fitness: 14/10
- Thread the Needle
- Supine Twist
- Forward Fold
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 400m Run
- Bear Crawl/Crab Walk
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 10 Plank KB Drags
- 10 Lunges w/Pass-Through
- 10 OHS w/PVC
- 15 Sit-Ups
- Low Dragon
- 400m Run
- Power Snatch
- T2B/K2E/Leg Levers
- 400m Run
Alpha: 95/65; T2B
Omega: 75/55; K2E
Fitness: 45/35; LL
- Low Dragon
- Couch Stretch
- Seated Straddle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- ½ Mile Bike
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 8 Step-Ups
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 8 KBS
- 5 Pull-Ups
- 10 Push-Ups
- 400m Run
Three Rounds
- 20 Burpee Box Jump/Step-Overs 24/20
- 20 Abmat Sit-Ups
Directly Into:
Three Rounds
- 400m Run
- 20 KB Hang Cleans
Alpha: 53/35
Omega: 44/26
Fitness: 35/20
- Low Dragon
- Fragon
- Puppy Dog
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
Two Sets
- 250m Row
- 5 Push-Ups
- 10 Lunges/w Pass-Through
- 5 Pull-Ups
- 10 Air Squats
- Banded Low Dragon
- 1000m Row
- 50 Thrusters
- 30 Pull-Ups
- 500m Row
- 25 Thrusters
- 15 Pull-Ups
Alpha: 45/35; PU
Omega: 45/35; Banded PU
Fitness: 45/35; RR
- Down Dog
- Ext. Arm Lizard Pose
- Forward Fold
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 5/5 Jumping Lunges
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- Plank Walk
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 10 Sit-Ups
- OH Distraction
Four Rounds
- 30 KBS
- 30 HRPU
- 30/24 Calorie Bike/Row
Alpha: 53/35
Omega: 44/26
Fitness: 35/20
- Saddle w/Eagle Arms
- Double Needle
- Frog Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Bear Crawl/Crab Walk
- 5 Wide Grip Push-Ups
- 5 Diamond Push-Ups
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- 10 KB RDL
- 10 KBS
- Banded Blackburns
Five Rounds
- 200m Run
- 10 Deadlifts
Alpha: 225/155
Omega: 185/125
Fitness: 155/105
- Supine Twist
- Couch Stretch
- Lizard Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 10 Calorie Bike/Row
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- 10 Calorie Bike/Row
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Pull-Ups
- 10 Calorie Bike/Row
- Banded Face Pulls
- 75 Calorie Bike/Row
- 75 WBS
- 75 Burpees
*Break-Up As Needed
Alpha: 20/14
Omega: 16/12
Fitness: 14/10
- Dragon Pose
- Legs Up Wall
- Twisted Cross
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 12/9 Calorie Row
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Swimmers
- 5/5 KB Rows
- 5/5 KB Presses
- 5/5 KB Lunges
- 10 Goblet Squats
- 200m Run
- Instep Series Stretch
Five Rounds
- 50 DU/75 Singles
- KB Snatch
- 15/12 Calorie Row
Alpha: DU; 53/35
Omega: DU; 44/26
Fitness: Singles; 35/20
- Low Dragon
- Thread the Needle
- Saddle w/Archer Arms
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Calorie Bike
- 10 Air Squats
- 10 Calorie Row
- 10 Push-Ups
10 Rounds for Reps
- 1 min Row Calories
- 1 min Bike Calories
- 1 min Shuttle Run
- 1 Minute Rest
- Thread the Needle
- Dragon Pose
- Twisted Cross
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 12 Calorie Row
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 5/5 Jumping Lunges
- 10 Jumping Air Squats
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Instep Series Stretch
Every 3min for Five Rounds
- 10 WBS
- 20 AbMat Sit-Ups
- 10 WBS
- Max Calorie Row
Alpha: 20/14
Omega: 16/12
Fitness: 14/10
*Record Lowest
- Single Leg Forward Fold
- Saddle Pose
- Single Leg Saddle Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Crab Walk
- 5 Swimmers
- 5/5 Plank KB Drags
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 5/5 KB Presses
- 5/5 KB Rows
- 10 KBS
- 10 Goblet Squats
- 8 Step-Ups
- Banded Blackburns
18 min AMRAP
- 50 Kettlebell Swings
- 50 Box Jumps 24/20
- 50 Goblet Squats
Alpha: 53/35
Omega: 44/26
Fitness: 35/20
- Couch Stretch
- Twisted Cross
- Seated Straddle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 5 Inchworms
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Diamond Push-Ups
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 10 Lunges
- 200m Run
- Scorpion Stretch
- Banded Pull-Aparts
- 30 Deadlifts
- 400m Run
- 20 Power Cleans
- 400m Run
- 10 Front Squats
- 400m Run
Alpha: 155/105
Omega: 135/95
Fitness: 105/70
- Forward Fold
- Saddle Pose w/Archer Arms
- Legs Up Wall
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Bear Crawl
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- Banded Face Pulls
- Low Dragon
- Twisted Cross
- Lizard Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 250m Row
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 250m Row
- 5 Push-Ups
- 10 Lunges
- 250m Row
- Bound Ankle
- Low Dragon
- Meter Row
- Burpees Over Erg
- Dragon Pose
- Down Dog
- Frog Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
***8AM ONLY***
- 200m Run
- Bear Crawl/Crab Walk
- Sled Push/Pull
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- 5 RDL
- 5 Bent Over Row
- 5 Front Squats
- 5 Shoulder Press
- 5 Back Squats
- 5 Good Mornings
x3 Increasing weight
*Rest 3 min
- Legs Up Wall
- Supine Twist
- Twisted Cross
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 400m Run
- Duck Walk
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5/5 Jumping Lunges
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- Instep Series Stretch
Three Rounds
- 400m Run
- Thrusters
- Pull-Ups
Alpha: 95/65; PU
Omega: 75/55; Banded/Jumping PU
Fitness: 45/35; RR
- Low Dragon
- Saddle Pose
- Pigeon Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- ½ Mile Bike
- 10 Lunges w/Pass-Through
- 10 OHS w/PVC on Wall
- 5/5 KB Presses
- 5/5 KB Rows
- 10 KBS
- 6 Goblet Squats
- 8 Step-Ups
- OH Distraction
- Alt. KB Snatch
- Box Jumps/Steps 24/20
Alpha: 53/35; 20/14
Omega: 44/26; 16/12
Fitness: 35/20; 14/10
- Ext. Arm Lizard Pose
- Foam Roll Lats/Glutes/Hams
- Seated Straddle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- Bear Crawl/Crab Walk
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 5 Inchworms
- 5/5 KB Presses
- 5/5 KB Rows
- 10 KBS
- 5 Goblet Squats
- 10 Calorie Bike
- Smash Forearms/Triceps
15min AMRAP
- 7 Push Press
- 10 OH BB Lunge
- 15 Calorie Bike
Alpha: 95/65
Omega: 75/55
Fitness: 45/35
- Dragon Pose
- Saddle Pose w/Archer Arms
- Lizard Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 250m Row
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 5 Swimmers
- 10 Plank KB Drags
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 10 Lunges w/Pass-Throughs
- 10 OHS w/PVC
- Blackburns
4min AMRAP
- 500m Row
- Max C2B Pull-Ups
Alpha: C2BPU
Omega: PU
Fitness: Banded/RR
*Rest 1 min
4min AMRAP
- ½ mile Bike
- Max Back Squats**
Alpha: 135/95
Omega: 115/75
Fitness: 75/55
*Rest 1 min
**From Floor
4min AMRAP
- 200m Run
- Max DU/Singles
Omega: DU
Fitness: Singles
- Down Dog
- Twisted Cross
- Double Needle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
Two Sets
- 200m Run
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 5 Inchworms
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Pull-Ups
- Scorpion Stretch
- 800m Run
- 20 Clusters
- 10 Pull-Ups
- 20 Clusters
- 800m Run
Alpha: 75/55; Strict PU
Omega: 55/45; PU
Fitness: 45/35; Banded Strict PU
- Couch Stretch
- Supine Twist
- Low Dragon
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 400m Run
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 30 sec Plank
- 10 Push-Ups
- 50 DU/Singles
- DU/Singles
- GHD Sit-Ups
- Power Clean
Alpha: DU; GHD; 155/105
Omega: DU; Partial GHD; 125/80
Fitness: Singles; SU; 95/65
- Ext. Arm Lizard
- Low Dragon
- Seal Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Duck Walk
- 5 KB RDL
- 5/5 KB Presses
- 6 Goblet Squats
- 5/5 KB Rows
- 10 KBS
- 5 KB Glute Bridges
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups/2 G2Feet
- Banded Low Dragon
- Banded One Arm Row
*Increase wt.
Three Rounds
- 400m Run
- 3 Rope Climbs
- 7 Hang Squat Snatch
Alpha: Rope; 95/65
Omega: PUx3; 75/55
Fitness: RRx5; 45/35
- Instep Series Stretch
- Double Needle
- Puppy Dog
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 0.2 mile Bike Easy
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 0.2 mile Bike Medium
- 10 Lunges
- 0.2 mile Bike Fast
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 0.2 mile Bike All Out
- Supine Twist
- Instep Series Stretch
*Increase wt.
- Deadlifts
- T2B/K2E/Sit-Ups
Buy-Out: 3 min Calorie Bike
Alpha: 225/155; T2B
Omega: 185/125; K2E
Fitness: 135/95; SU
*Record time and Calories in comments
- Couch Stretch
- Thread the Needle
- Straddle Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
Two Sets
- 200m Run
- 5 Pull-Ups
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 8 Push-Ups
- 10 Lunges
- OH Distraction
*Increase wt.
- Low Dragon
- Saddle Pose w/Eagle Arms
- Legs Up Wall
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Bear Crawl/Crab Walk
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 10 Lunges w/Pass-Through
- 5 OHS w/PVC on Wall
- 30 sec Ring Hold/5 Ring Dips
- Banded Blackburns
**Increase wt.
- 25 Hang Power Clean
- 15 Ring Dips
- 20 Hang Power Cleans
- 1 mile Bike/Row
- 15 Hang Power Cleans
- 15 HRPU
- 10 Hang Power Cleans
Alpha: 95/65; Rings
Omega: 75/55; Matador
Fitness: 45/35; Box/Bench
- Dragon Pose
- Down Dog
- Saddle w/Archer arms
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- Sled Push/Pull
- 5 Inchworms
- 5 Push-Ups
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5/5 Jumping Lunges
- 10 Jumping Air Squats
- Scorpion Stretch
- Cat/Cow Pose
*Increase wt.
5min AMRAP
- 10 WBS
- 10 C2B Pull-Ups
- 10 Box Jump Overs 24/20
Alpha: 20/14; C2BPU
Omega: 16/12; PU
Fitness: 14/10; RR
*Rest 1min
5min AMRAP
- 20 WBS
- 20 C2B Pull-Ups
- 20 Box Jump Overs 24/20
Alpha: 20/14; C2BPU
Omega: 16/12; PU
Fitness: 14/10; RR
*Rest 1min
5min AMRAP
- 30 WBS
- 30 C2B Pull-Ups
- 30 Box Jump Overs 24/20
Alpha: 20/14; C2BPU
Omega: 16/12; PU
Fitness: 14/10; RR
- Twisted Cross
- Supine Twist
- Lizard Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 400m Run
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Pull-Ups
- 0.3 mile Bike
- 5 RDL
- 5 Bent Over Row
- 5 Front Squats
- 5 Shoulder Press
- 5 Back Squats
- 5 Good Mornings
- 60 Clean & Jerks
*Rest 60 sec
- 800m Run
*Rest 60 sec
- 800m Run
Alpha: 135/95
Omega: 95/65
Fitness: 75/55
- Couch Stretch
- Saddle Pose w/Eagle Arms
- Legs Up Wall
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Sled Push/Pull
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- 30sec Squat Hold
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Push-Ups
- 200m Run
- Instep Series Stretch
*Increase wt.
Three Rounds
- 400m Run
- 12 Burpees Over Bar
- 12 Floor Press
Alpha: 135/95
Omega: 115/75
Fitness: 75/55
- Foam Roll Hams/Glutes/Calves
- Saddle Pose
- Thread the Needle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
***8AM ONLY***
- Enjoy the day
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 12 Calorie Row
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Wide Grip Push-Ups
- 5 Diamond Push-Ups
- 10 Plank Shoulder KB Drags
- 10 Glute Bridges
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 5/5 Jumping Lunges
- OH Distraction
*Increase wt.
- Calorie Row
- S2OH
Alpha: 95/65
Omega: 75/55
Fitness: 45/35
- Twisted Cross
- Saddle Pose w/Archer Arms
- Seal Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- Bear Crawl/Crab Walk
- 5 Swimmers
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 10 Glute Bridges
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Kip Swings
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Banded Blackburns
**Increase wt.
Three Rounds
- 30 WBS
- 15 Pull-Ups
- 30 KBS
- 15 HRPU
Alpha: 20/14; Strict; 53/35
Omega: 16/12; Kipping; 44/26
Fitness: 14/10; Banded; 35/20
- Dragon
- Down Dog
- Saddle Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
Why did an old man
fall in a well?
Because he couldn't see
that well!
Two Sets
- 200m Run
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- 10 Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Fire Hydrants
*Increase wt.
- 25 Back Squats*
- 1 mile Run
- 15 Back Squats*
- 800m Run
Alpha: 135/95
Omega: 115/75
Fitness: 95/65
- Low Dragon
- Supine Twist
- Lizard Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 400m Run
- Bear Crawl
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 10 Lunges
- Thread the Needle
- Low Dragon
- Twisted Cross
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- ½ mile Bike
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 5/5 Jumping Lunges
- 30 sec Plank
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Banded Low Dragon
- ½ mile Bike
- 15 Clean & Jerk
- 1 Rope Climb
- ½ mile Bike
- 12 Clean & Jerk
- 2 Rope Climbs
- ½ mile Bike
- 9 Clean & Jerk
- 3 Rope Climbs
Alpha: 115/75; Rope
Omega: 95/65; PUx3
Fitness: 75/55; RRx5
- Bound Ankle
- Saddle Pose
- Seated Straddle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 400m Run
- 5 Inchworms
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 10 Plank K2E
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 10 Lunges w/Pass-Through
- 10 Air Squats
- OH Distraction
*Increase wt.
Four Rounds
- 10 Hang Power Snatch
- 15 HRPU
- 400m Run
Alpha: 95/65
Omega: 75/55
- Couch Stretch
- Twisted Cross
- Down Dog
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- ½ mile Bike
- 10 Jumping Lunges
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 30 sec Plank
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Banded Face Pulls
- Banded Pull-Aparts
Three Rounds
- 21 Power Cleans
- 15 Push Jerks
- 9 C2B Pull-Ups
Alpha: 135/95; C2BPU
Omega: 105/70; PU
Fitness: 75/55; RR
- Forward Fold
- Saddle Pose w/Archer Arms
- Legs Up Wall
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 10 Calorie Row
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 5/5 Plank KB Drags
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 10 Lunges w/Pass-Through
- 10 OHS w/PVC
- Banded Blackburns
**Increase wt.
15min AMRAP
- 15 Calorie Row
- 10 Push-Ups
- 5 Deadlifts
Alpha: 225/155
Omega: 185/125
Fitness: 135/95
- Puppy Dog
- Supine Twist
- Ext. Arm Lizard Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Sled Push/Pull
- 10 Glute Bridges
- 30 sec Plank
- 5/5 KB Presses
- 5 KB Thrusters
- 5/5 KB Rows
- 10 KBS
- 6 Step-Ups
- Scorpion Stretch
- Dragon Pose
- Down Dog
- Straddle Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
*Team-Up and Share the Reps
- Thread the Needle
- Dragon Pose
- Twisted Cross
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 10/7 Calorie Bike/Row
- Duck Walk
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 10 Glute Bridges
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5/5 KB Presses
- 5/5 KB Rows
- 6 Goblet Squats
- Instep Series Stretch
Three Rounds
- 25 Calorie Bike/Row
- 15 Deadlifts
- 20 WBS
Alpha: 185/125; 20/14
Omega: 155/105; 16/12
Fitness: 115/75; 14/10
- Single Leg Forward Fold
- Saddle Pose
- Single Leg Saddle Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 0.3mile Bike
- Sled Push/Pull
- 10 Glute Bridges
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 10 Push-Ups
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- PVC Front Rack Stretch
- Pass-Throughs
Eight Rounds
- 8 Box Jumps/Steps 24/20
- 12 HRPU
- 16 Air Squats
- Couch Stretch
- Forward Fold
- Double Needle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Inchworms
- Bear Crawl/Crab Walk
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 5 Diamond Push-Ups
- 30sec Plank
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5/5 Jumping Lunges
- 5 Air Squats
- Banded Pull-Aparts
- Banded Chest Press
Every 2:30min for 15min
- 5 Power Cleans
- 200m Run
Omega: 125/90
Fitness: 85/60
*Adjust reps to hit timeline
- Lizard Pose
- Saddle Pose w/Archer Arms
- Thread the Needle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 5 Hanging Shoulder Shrugs
- 5 Kip Swings
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 10 Lunges w/Pass-Through
- 10 OHS w/PVC
- 200m Run
- Banded Blackburns
Three Rounds
- 10 Power Snatch
- 50 DU/50 Singles
- 2 Rope Climbs
- 50 DU/50 Singles
Alpha: 95/65; DU; Rope
Omega: 75/55; DU; PUx3
Fitness: 45/35; Singles; Banded PUx3
- Down Dog
- Low Dragon
- Dragon Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Inchworms
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 10 Lunges
- 0.3 mile Bike
- Scorpion Stretch
- Thrusters
- C2B Pull-Ups
- Ring Dips
Alpha: 75/55; C2BPU; Ring
Omega: 55/45; PU; Matador
Fitness: 45/35; Jumping PU; HRPU
- Supine Twist
- Saddle w/Eagle Arms
- Twisted Cross
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
Two Sets
- 20 Calorie Bike/Row
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Goblet Squats
- 5 Pull-Ups
5min AMRAP
- 21 Calorie Bike/Row
- 15 T2B/K2E/Sit-Ups
- 9 Front Squats
*Rest 90 sec
Alpha: T2B; 135/95
Omega: K2E; 115/75
Fitness: SU; 95/65
5min AMRAP
- 9 Calorie Bike/Row
- 21 T2B/K2E/Sit-Ups
- 15 Front Squats
*Rest 90 sec
Alpha: T2B; 115/75
Omega: K2E; 95/65
Fitness: SU; 75/55
5min AMRAP
- 15 Calorie Bike/Row
- 9 T2B/K2E/Sit-Ups
- 21 Front Squats
Alpha: T2B; 95/65
Omega: K2E; 75/55
Fitness: SU; 45/35
- Legs Up Wall
- Seal Pose
- Bound Ankle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- ½ mile Bike
- 10 Glute Bridges
- 10 Push-Ups
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Instep Series Stretch
- Low Dragon
“Omega”: 205/145; 16/12
"Fitness": 155/105; 14/10
- Supine Twist
- Seated Straddle
- Down Dog
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 12 Calorie Row
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Swimmers
- 30 sec Plank or Inverted Hold
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Banded Face Pulls
- OH Distraction
16min AMRAP
- 16 Calorie Row
- 10 Burpee Pull-Ups
- 5 HSPU
Alpha: HSPU
Omega: Pike Push-Ups
Fitness: HRPU
- Double Needle
-Saddle w/Archer Arms
- Dragon Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Inchworms
- 5 Wide Grip Push-Ups
- 5 Diamond Push-Ups
- 10 KB Plank Drags
- 30 sec Plank
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 6 Step-Ups
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Banded Pull-Aparts
- Banded Chest Presses
Three Rounds
- 3 MU or 10 C2BPU
- 10 Squat Cleans
- 15 Box Jumps/Steps - 24/20
- 400m Run
Alpha: MU; 135/95
Omega: C2BPU; 115/75
Fitness: RRX3; 75/55
- Twisted Cross
- Saddle Pose w/Eagle Arms
- Lizard Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 400m Run
- Bear Crawl/Crab Walk
- Sled Pull/Push
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 5 Inchworms
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 5 Snatch Grip RDL
- 5 Snatch Grip Bent Over Row
- 5 Shoulder Press
- 5 Back Squats
- Banded Blackburns
Every 2:30 min x 6 Rounds
- 200m Run
- 10 Push Press
Alpha: 95/65
Omega: 75/55
Fitness: 45/35
*Complete 1 set each round
**Record slowest round
- Low Dragon
- Cat/Cow Pose
- Thread the Needle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 0.3 mile Bike
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 SIt-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 200m Run
- Banded Good Mornings
- 42 WBS
- 21 Power Cleans
- 30 WBS
- 15 Power Cleans
- 18 WBS
- 9 Power Cleans
Alpha: 20/14; 115/75
Omega: 16/12; 95/65
Fitness: 14/10; 75/55
- Instep Series Stretch
- Supine Twist
- Seated Straddle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 400m Run
- 10 Lunges
- ½ mile Bike
- 10 Push-Ups
- 500m Row
- 10 Air Squats
- Foam Roll Hams/Glutes
- 21 KB Thrusters (2)
- 1 mile Bike
- 15 KB Thrusters
- 800m Run
- 9 KB Thrusters
- 1200m Row
Alpha: 53/35
Omega: 44/26
Fitness: 35/20
- Thread the Needle
- Dragon Pose
- Twisted Cross
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 5 Calorie Row/Bike
- 5 Push-Ups
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Calorie Row/Bike
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 5 Box Steps
- 5 Calorie Row/Bike
- Banded Low Dragon
- 21 Box Jumps/Step-Ups 24/20
- 15 Calorie Row/Bike
- 9 Burpee Box Jump Overs/Step-Overs
*Rest 1 min
- 9 Burpee Box Jump Overs/Step-Overs
- 15 Calorie Row/Bike
- 21 Box Jumps/Step-Ups
- Single Leg Forward Fold
- Saddle Pose
- Single Leg Saddle Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 10 Calorie Bike
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- 1 G2F/Rope Climb
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- Banded Face Pulls
Four Rounds
- 3 Rope Climbs
- 12 Push Press
- 24 WBS
Alpha: Rope; 115/75; 20/14
Omega: Strict PUx3; 95/65; 16/12
Fitness: RRx5; 75/55; 14/10
- Couch Stretch
- Twisted Cross
- Seated Straddle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Bear Crawl/Crab Walk
- 5/5 KB Lunges
- 5 KB RDL
- 8 Goblet Squats
- 5/5 KB Presses
- 5/5 KB Rows
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Diamond Push-Ups
- Banded Blackburns
14 min AMRAP
- 10 Deadlifts
- 15 T2B/K2E/Sit-Ups
- 200m Run
- 30 Air Squats
Alpha: 225/155
Omega: 185/125
Fitness: 135/95
- Forward Fold
- Saddle Pose w/Archer Arms
- Legs Up Wall
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 0.3mile Bike
- 10 Jumping Lunges
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 10 Sit-Ups
- Pass-Throughs and Figure Eights
- OH Distraction
Three Rounds
- 1 Mile Bike
- 20 GHD Sit-Ups
- 10 Power Cleans
Alpha: GHD; 135/95
Omega: Partial GHD; 115/75
Fitness: Abmat; 75/55
- Low Dragon
- Twisted Cross
- Lizard Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
Two Sets
- 200m Run
- 10 KBS
- 6 Goblet Squats
- 5/5 KB Presses
- 5/5 KB Rows
- 5 Push-Ups
- Scorpion Stretch
3min AMRAP
- 30 DU/50 Singles
- 10 Front Squats
Alpha: DU; 95/65
Omega: DU; 75/55
Fitness: Singles; 45/35
*Rest 90 sec
3min AMRAP
- 10 Calorie Bike
- 10 Back Squats
Alpha: DU; 95/65
Omega: DU; 75/55
Fitness: Singles; 45/35
*Rest 90 sec
Three Rounds
- 400m Run
- 15 OHS
Alpha: 95/65
Omega: 75/55
Fitness: 45/35
- Dragon Pose
- Down Dog
- Frog Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 0.3 Mile Bike
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 30 sec Plank
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- Scorpion Stretch
- OH Distraction
- 8 Deadlifts
- 40 T2B/K2E/Sit-Ups
- 80 DU/120 Singles
- 4 Rope Climbs
- 40 Burpees Over Bar
- 4 Rope Climbs
- 80 DU/120 Singles
- 40 T2B/K2E/Sit-Ups
- 8 Deadlifts
Alpha: 275/195; T2B; DU; Rope
Omega: 225/155; K2E; DU; PUx3
Fitness: 135/95; SU; Singles; RRx5
- Thread the Needle
- Supine Twist
- Twisted Cross
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 400m Run
- Duck Walk
- Sled Push/Pull
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- Instep Series Stretch
- 10 S2OH
- 200m Run
- 15 S2OH
- 200m Run
- 20 S2OH
- 200m Run
- 15 Back Squats
- 200m Run
- 10 Back Squats
- 200m Run
- 5 Back Squats
- 200m Run
Alpha: 135/95; 115/75; 95/65; 95/65; 115/75; 135/95
Omega: 115/75; 95/65; 75/55; 75/55; 95/65; 115/75
Fitness: 75/55; 55/45; 45/35; 45/35; 55/45; 75/55
- Low Dragon
- Saddle Pose w/Archer Arms
- Single Leg Forward Fold
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
Two Sets
- 250m Row
- 5 Push-Ups
- 10 Air Squats
- 5/5 Jumping Lunges
- PVC Front Rack Stretch
- Pass-Throughs/Figure-Eights
Three Rounds
- 500m Row
- 30 Air Squats
- 15 Power Cleans
Alpha: 95/65
Omega: 75/55
Fitness: 45/35
- Couch Stretch
- Seal Pose
- Forward Fold
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 10 Calorie Bike
- Bear Crawl/Crab Walk
- 30 sec Plank
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Diamond Push-Ups
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- OH Distraction
16min AMRAP
- 0.3 Mile Bike
20-19-18-17-16, etc.
Alpha: 20/14
Omega: 16/12
Fitness: 14/10
*Record Time Complete or Reps
- Twisted Cross
- Dragon Pose
- Thread the Needle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 8 Step-Ups
- 6 Goblet Squats
- 5/5 KB Presses
- 5/5 KB Rows
- 10 KBS
- Banded Blackburns
- Low Dragon
Four Rounds
- 16 Box Jumps/Steps 24/20
- 24 Goblet Squats
- 16 Alt KB Snatches
- 24 Goblet Squats
Alpha: 53/35
Omega: 44/26
Fitness: 35/20
- Saddle Pose
- Down Dog
- Lizard Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
***8AM ONLY***
In honor of all those who have sacrificed their lives for our country, May God bless them, their families, and friends.
- Foam Roll
- Seated Straddle
- Twisted Cross
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 10 Calorie Bike/Row
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 10 Plank KB Drags
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
Four Rounds
- 25 Hang Power Snatch
- 30 Calorie Bike/Row
- 100 DU/100 Singles
Buy-Out: 2x800m Run (Rest 1:1) w/Vest
Alpha: 75/55; DU; Vest
Omega: 55/45; DU; 15lb Plate
Fitness: 45/35; Singles; No wt.
- Thread the Needle
- Dragon Pose
- Twisted Cross
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 250m Row
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 10 Lunges w/Pass-Through
- 10 OHS w/PVC
- 30 sec Plank
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Diamond Push-Ups
- 5 Goblet Squats
- 5/5 KB Presses
- 5/5 KB Rows
- 10 KBS
- Banded Blackburns
- Banded Chest Presses
Buy-In: 500m Row
- Power Clean
- Box Jump/Step-Ups 30/24
Buy-Out: 500m Row
Alpha: 155/105; 70/53; 30/24
Omega: 115/75; 53/35; 24/20
Fitness: 75/55; 35/20; 20
- Single Leg Forward Fold
- Saddle Pose
- Single Leg Saddle Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 50 DU/50 Singles
- 5 Inchworms
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 10 Air Squats
- 10 Lunges
- Banded Face Pulls
- OH Distraction
Two Rounds
- 150 DU/200 Singles
- 50 S2OH
- 25 T2B/K2E/Leg Levers
Alpha: DU; 75/55; T2B
Omega: DU; 55/45; K2E
Fitness: Singles; 45/35; LL
- Saddle w/Eagle Arms
- Twisted Cross
- Double Needle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- 30 sec Plank/Inverted Hold
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5/5 KB Presses
- 5/5 KB Rows
- 10 KBS
- PVC Front Rack Stretch
- Banded Low Dragon
16min AMRAP
- 10 HSPU
- 400m Run
- 20 WBS
- 400m Run
Alpha: HSPU; 20/14
Omega: Pike PU; 16/12
Fitness: HRPU; 14/10
- Low Dragon
- Saddle Pose
- Legs Up Wall
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 0.3 mile Bike
- 5 Broad Jumps
- Bear Crawl/Crab Walk
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 5 Swimmers
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 10 Air Squats
- OH Distraction
1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk
*Increase wt.
- 30 GHD Sit-Ups
- 21 Clusters
- 20 GHD Sit-Ups
- 15 Clusters
- 10 GHD Sit-Ups
- 9 Clusters
Alpha: GHD; 115/75
Omega: Partial GHD; 75/55
Fitness: AbMat; 45/35
- Couch Stretch
- Twisted Cross
- Thread the Needle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Sled Push/Pull
- 10 Lunges w/Pass-Through
- 10 OHS w/PVC
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Hanging Shoulder Shrugs
- 5 Kip Swings
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Instep Series Stretch
*With a Vest
- Dragon Pose
- Down Dog
- Seated Straddle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 350m Row
- 5 Wide Grip Push-Ups
- 5 MB Push-Ups
- 5 MB RDL
- 5 MB Tosses
- 5 MB Squats
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
Five Rounds
- 20 Push-Ups
- 20 WBS
- 20 Pistols
- 25 Air Squats
- Row
- Rope Climbs
Alpha: 20/14; Pistols; Rope
Omega: 16/12; Asst. Pistols; 3Strict PU/Rd
Fitness: 14/10; Lunges; Jumping PU
- Thread the Needle
- Lizard Pose
- Twisted Cross
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
Two Sets
- 200m Run
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Air Squats
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
*Increase wt.
18min AMRAP
- 100DU/100 Singles
- 400m Run
- 30 T2B/K2E/Sit-Ups
- 30 KB Lunges (1)
Alpha: DU; T2B; 53/35
Omega: DU; K2E; 44/26
Fitness: Singles; SU; 35/20
- Cat/Cow Pose
- Low Dragon
- Lizard w/Ext. Arms
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 0.3 mile Bike
- 10 Lunges w/Pass-Through
- 10 OHS w/PVC
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Diamond Push-Ups
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Inchworms
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- OH Distraction
- Banded Face Pulls
*Increase wt.
Buy-Out: 20 WTD Pull-Ups
“Omega”: 115/75
“Fitness”: 95/65
- Frog Pose
- Twisted Cross
- Saddle w/Eagle Arms
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 8 Step-Ups
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 10 Plank KB Drag
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 200m Run
- Banded Blackburns
**Increase wt.
16 min AMRAP
- 12 Clusters
- 10 Box Jumps/Step-Ups 24/20
- 12 Power Snatches
- 200m Run
Alpha: 75/55
Omega: 55/45
Fitness: 45/35
- Seal Pose
- Saddle Pose w/Archer Arms
- Couch Stretch
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Broad Jumps
- Bear Crawl
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 5 Jumping Lunges
- 5 Hanging Shoulder Shrugs
- 5 Kip Swings
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- OH Distraction
1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk
*Increase wt.
Four Rounds
- 2 Rope Climbs
- 8 HSPU
- 16 C2B Pull-Ups
Alpha: Rope; HSPU; C2BPU
Omega: Strict PUx3; Pike PU
Fitness: G2Fx2; HRPU; RR
- Thread the Needle
- Twisted Cross
- Puppy Dog
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 250m Row
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Inchworms
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 30 sec Plank
- 5 Push-Ups
- 300m Row
- Scorpion Stretch
- Instep Series Stretch
*Increase wt.
Buy-In: 1000m Row
Five Rounds
- 25 Deadlifts
- 50 Lunges (BW)
- 75 DU/100 Singles
Alpha: 135/95; DU
Omega: 115/75; DU
Fitness: 75/55; Singles
- Supine Twist
- Down Dog
- Seated Straddle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 400m Run
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 10 Goblet Squats
- 10 Strict Pull-Ups
- Warm Up for Front Squats
- Low Dragon
- Couch Stretch
- Twisted Cross
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 30 sec Hang
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 5 Dips
- 5 RDL
- Bent Over Row
- 5 Shoulder Press
- 5 Good Morning
- 10 Lunges w/Pass-Through
- Banded Blackburns
2 Hang Snatch Pull + 1 Power Snatch
- Ring Dips
- Hang Power Clean
- S2OH
- C2B Pull-Ups
Alpha: Ring; 115/75; C2BPU
Omega: Matador; 95/65; PU
Fitness: Bench; 75/55; Banded/RR
- Ext. Arm Lizard Pose
- Saddle Pose
- Puppy Dog
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- ½ mile Bike
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 10 Plank KB Drags
- 5/5 KB Presses
- 10 KBS
- Banded Face Pulls
- Back Squats
Alpha: 135/95; 53/35
Omega: 115/75; 44/26
Fitness: 95/65; 35/20
- Legs Up Wall
- Twisted Cross
- Double Needle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 400m Run
- 5 Inchworms
- 5 Broad Jumps
- Sled Push/Pull
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Push-Ups
- 6 Step-Ups
- Pass-Throughs/Figure Eights
- Banded Blackburns
Buy-In: 800m Run
Three Rounds
- 25 Power Snatch
- 25 Burpee Box Jump/Step-Overs 24/20
Buy-Out: 800m Run
Alpha: 75/55
Omega: 55/45
Fitness: 45/35
- Low Dragon
- Saddle Pose w/Archer Arms
- Down Dog
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Bear Crawl
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 10 Plank KB Drags
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5/5 Jumping Lunges
- 5 Air Squats
- 5 Pull-Ups
- OH Distraction
2 Push Jerks + 1 Split Jerk
*Wear a Vest if you like
- Dragon Pose
- Twisted Cross
- Saddle w/Eagle Arms
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 14/12 Calorie Row
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 10 Lunges w/Pass-Through
- 5 Air Squats
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- PVC Front Rack Stretch
- Instep Series Stretch
- Foam Roll Glutes/Hams/Quads
- Seal Pose
- Seated Straddle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 0.3 Mile Bike
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Pull-Ups
- 200m Run
- 1mile Bike
- 800m Run
- 70 DU/120 Singles
- 60 Air Squats
- 50 Push-Ups
- 40 WBS
- 30 Power Cleans
- 20 T2B/K2E/Leg Levers
- 10 Ring MU
Alpha: DU; 20/14; 135/95; T2B; MU
Omega: DU; 16/12; 115/75; K2E; Kipping PU
Fitness: Singles; 14/10; 95/65; LL; Banded PU
- Frog Pose
- Low Dragon
- Twisted Cross
- Puppy Dog
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 0.3 mile Bike
- 10 Glute Bridges
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5/5 Plank KB Drags
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 5 RDL
- 5 Bent Over Row
- 5 Front Squats
- 5 Shoulder Press
- 5 Back Squats
- 5 Good Morning
2 Hang Snatch Pull + 1 Power Snatch
- Deadlift (1sec Pause at Bottom)*
Alpha: 225/155; HSPU
Omega: 185/125; Inverted PU
Fitness:135/95; HRPU
*No Touch N Go
- Seated Straddle
- Supine Twist
- Forward Fold
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 5 Inchworms
- 5 Narrow Grip Push-Ups
- 5 Wide Grip Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 10 Ring Rows
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 10 Lunges w/Pass-Through
- Banded Blackburns
- Down Dog
Three Rounds
- 7 Squat Snatch
- 21 Ring Dips
Buy-Out: 150 Air Squats w/Vest
Alpha: 135/95; Rings; Vest
Omega: 95/65; Matador; 14/10MB
Fitness: 45/35; Bench Dips; Air Squats
- Lizard Pose
- Saddle Pose w/Archer Arms
- Down Dog
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Bear Crawl
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Pull-Ups
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 5 Air Squats
- 5/5 Lunges
- PVC Front Rack Stretch
- Banded Face Pulls
- 50 HRPU
- 50 Pull-Ups
- 50 S2OH
- 50 V-Ups
- 50 Bar Facing Burpees
Alpha: PU; 75/55
Omega: Banded; 55/45
Fitness: RR; 45/35
*Partition as Needed
- Thread the Needle
- Saddle Pose w/Eagle Arms
- Twisted Cross
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 10 Calorie Bike/Row
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 5/5 Jumping Lunges
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 6 Step-Ups
- 3/3 Pistols to Box
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- OH Distraction
2 Push Jerks + 1 Split Jerk
16min AMRAP
- Calorie Bike/Row
- Front Rack Lunges
- Box Jumps/Step-Ups 24/20
Alpha: 115/75
Omega: 95/65
Fitness: 75/55
- Dragon Pose
- Twisted Cross
- Saddle Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 5 Inchworms
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 30 sec Plank
- 10 OHS w/PVC
- 10 Lunges w/Pass-Through
- 3/3 Pistols to Bench
- Foam Roll Hams/Glutes
18min AMRAP
- 400m Run
- 20 Power Snatch
- 20 Pistols
Alpha: 95/65; Pistols
Omega: 75/55; Asst Pistols
Fitness: 45/35; Air Squats
- Low Dragon
- Puppy Dog
- Foam Roll Glutes/Hams/Quads
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 5 Hanging Shoulder Shrugs
- 5 Kip Swings
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 8 Ring Rows
- 5 Push-Ups
- 200m Run
- 5 MB RDL
- 5 MB Squats
- 5 MB Tosses
- 10 Sit-Ups
Three Rounds
- 1 Rope Climb
- 6 Push Jerks
- 12 Deadlifts
- 24 AbMat Sit-Ups
- 48 WBS
- 400m Run
Alpha: Legless; 135/95; 20/14
Omega: Rope Climb; 95/65; 16/12
Fitness: PUx3; 75/55; 14/10
- Thread the Needle
- Low Dragon
- Supine Twist
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 5 Calorie Bike/Row
- 10 Lunges w/Pass-Through
- 10 OHS w/PVC
- 10 KB Thrusters
- 10 KBS
- 5/5 KB Presses
- 5/5 KB Rows
- 5 Calorie Bike/Row
- Banded Blackburns
- Banded Chest Presses
2 Hang Snatch Pull + 1 Power Snatch
- 10 Calorie Bike/Row
- 20 Thrusters
- 10 Calorie Bike/Row
- 20 Power Cleans
- 10 Calorie Bike/Row
- 20 Push Jerks
- 10 Calorie Bike/Row
- 20 Front Squats
Buy-Out: 800m Run
Alpha: 115/75
Omega: 95/65
Fitness: 45/35
- Forward Fold
- Puppy Dog
- Bound Ankle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- Bear Crawl/Crab Walk
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Wide-Grip Push-Ups
- 5 Swimmers
- 10 Plank K2E
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 10 Lunges w/Pass-Throughs
- 10 OHS w/PVC
- Banded Face Pulls
- OH Distraction
Four Rounds
- 4 HSPU
- 10 Hang Power Snatch
- 15 WBS
- 20 Lateral Burpees Over Bar
Alpha: HSPU; 95/65; 20/14
Omega: Pike PU; 75/55; 16/12
Fitness: WW; 45/35; 14/10
- Down Dog
- Thread the Needle
- Saddle Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 0.3 mile Bike
- 5/5 Jumping Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 30 sec Plank
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Banded Blackburns
Five Rounds
- 30 Push-Ups
- 20 Front Squats
- 20 Push Press
- 30 AbMat Sit-Ups
Alpha: 75/55
Omega: 55/45
Fitness: 45/35
- Seated Straddle
- Saddle Pose w/Eagle Arms
- Foam Roll Quads/Glutes
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 10 Plank KB Drag
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- Sled Push/Pull
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 10 Lunges w/Pass-Through
- 200m Run
- PVC Front Rack Stretch
- OH Distraction
2 Push Jerks + 1 Split Jerk
Buy-In: 800m Run
Four Rounds
- 15 Burpees
- 10 KB Thrusters x2
- 15 KB Snatches x1
- 10 Pistols
Alpha: 53/35; Pistols
Omega: 44/26; Asst. Pistols
Fitness: 35/20; Air Squats
- Dragon Pose
- Twisted Cross
- Couch Stretch
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Inchworms
- 5 Push-Ups
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- Instep Series Stretch
*Vest if Desired
- Legs Up Wall
- Lizard Pose
- Twisted Cross
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 10 Calorie Bike/Row
- 5 RDL
- 5 Bent Over Row
- 5 Front Squats
- 5 Shoulder Press
- 5 Back Squats
- 5 Good Mornings
- 200m Run
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 10 Lunges
Three Rounds
- 25 Deadlifts
- 25 Hang Power Clean
- 200m Run
Two Rounds
- 15 Deadlifts
- 15 Power Clean
- 400m Run
One Round
- 10 Deadlifts
- 10 Squat Clean
- 800m Run
Alpha: 95/65; 115/75; 135/95
Omega: 75/55; 95/65; 115/75
Fitness: 45/35; 75/55; 95/65
- Low Dragon
- Supine Twist
- Legs Up Wall
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 10 Calorie Row
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 GLute Bridges
- 5 KB RDL
- 5/5 KB Presses
- 5/5 KB Rows
- 10 KBS
- 10 Calorie Bike
- Banded Blackburns
2 Hang Snatch Pull + 1 Power Snatch
Four Rounds
- 3min Calorie Row/Bike
- 1min Push Presses
Buy-Out: 50 Push-Ups WTD
Alpha: 95/65; Vest or 25lb plate
Omega: 75/55; 15lb plate
Fitness: 45/35; HRPU
*Record Total Push Presses
- Forward Fold
- Puppy Dog
- Saddle w/Archer Arms
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Inchworms
- 5 Push-Ups
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 5 Ring Dips
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 10 Ring Rows
- 10 Air Squats
- 10 Lunges
- 200m Run
Three Rounds
- 15 Ring Dips
- 30 GHD Sit-Ups
- 45 Air Squats
- 400m Run
Alpha: Rings; GHD
Omega: Matador; Partial GHD
Fitness: Box/Bench; AbMat Sit-Up
- Cat/Cow Pose
- Thread the Needle
- Saddle w/Eagle Arms
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m MB Run
- 5 MB Broad Jumps
- 5 MB Throws
- 5 MB Thrusters
- 5 MB Cleans
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 5 Swimmers
- 10 Lunges w/Pass-Through
- Banded Face Pulls
- Banded Low Dragon
14min AMRAP
- 20 WBS*
- 30 C2B Pull-Ups
- 100 DU/100 Singles
*As High As You Can
Alpha: 20/14; C2BPU; DU
Omega: 16/12; PU; DU
Fitness: 14/10; RR; Singles
- Couch Stretch
- Saddle Pose
- Down Dog
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 10 Calorie Bike
- 5/5 Jumping Lunges
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 6 Step-Ups
- Bear Crawl Box Push
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 10 RDL
- 5 Shoulder Press
-Banded Blackburns
- Banded Good Mornings
2 Push Jerks + 1 Split Jerk
Four Rounds
- 25 Calorie Bike
- 20 Box Jumps/Steps 24/20
- 10 Deadlifts
Alpha: 275/195
Omega: 225/155
Fitness: 135/95
- Dragon Pose
- Twisted Cross
- Double Needle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 400m Run
- Bear Crawl/Crab Walk
- Sled Push/Pull
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 10 Air Squats
- 10 Lunges w/Pass-Through
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Instep Series Stretch
- OH Distraction
Buy-In: WTD 800m Run*
- Clean & Jerk
- Muscle-Ups/Burpee Pull-Ups
Buy-Out: WTD 800m Run*
*Vest or MB
Alpha: 135/95; MU; Vest or 20/14
Omega: 95/65; BurpeePU; 16/12
Fitness: 75/55; HRPU/Dips; 14/10
- Seated Straddle
- Low Dragon
- Foam Roll Glutes/Hams/Quads
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 10 Calorie Bike/Row
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- 10 Calorie Bike/Row
- OH Distraction
- 2 Rope Climbs
- 20 Calorie Bike/Row
- 25 Thrusters
- 20 Calorie Bike/Row
- 2 Rope Climbs
- 20 Calorie Bike/Row
- 25 Squat Cleans
- 20 Calorie Bike/Row
- 2 Rope Climbs
- 20 Calorie Bike/Row
- 25 Clusters
- 20 Calorie Bike/Row
Alpha:Rope; 95/65
Omega: Strict x3; 75/55
Fitness: RRx5; 45/35
- Thread the Needle
- Dragon Pose
- Seated Straddle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- Crab Walk
- 5 Hanging Shoulder Shrugs
- 5 KIp Swings
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 10 Lunges w/Pass-Throughs
- 10 OHS w/PVC
- 10 Step-Ups
-Banded Blackburns
2 Hang Snatch Pull + 1 Power Snatch
Ten Rounds
- 5 Front Squats
- 7 Strict Pull-Ups
- 9 Box Jump/Step-Overs 24/20
Alpha: 155/105; Strict
Omega: 135/95; Kipping
Fitness: 95/65; Banded
- Single Leg Forward Fold
- Saddle w/Archer Arms
- Single Leg Saddle Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Push-Ups
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 5/5 Plank KB Drags
- 5/5 Kneeling KB Presses
- 5/5 KB Rows
- 5/5 Flutter Kicks
- 5/5 Scissor Kicks
- 10 Sit-Ups
- OH Distraction
10min AMRAP
- 10 Power Cleans
- 15 Push-Ups
- 20 T2B/K2E/Leg Levers
Alpha: 135/95; T2B
Omega: 115/75; K2E
Fitness: 95/65; LL
- Couch Stretch
- Twisted Cross
- Double Needle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 250m Row
- 5 Narrow Grip Push-Ups
- 5 Wide Grip Push-Ups
- 10 Plank K2E
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 10 Jumping Lunges
- 250m Row
-Banded Blackburns
Four Rounds
- 500m Row
- 15 Floor Press
- 20 WBS*
*As High as You Can Throw It
Alpha: 135/95; 20/14 @12/10'
Omega: 115/75; 16/12 @ 10/9'
Fitness: 95/65; 14/10 @ 10/9'
- Forward Fold
- Saddle Pose
- Twisted Cross
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 0.2mile Bike
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- Bear Crawl KB Drag
- 5 KB Jumping Air Squats
- 5/5 KB Presses
- 5/5 KB Rows
- 5/5 KB Lunges
- 0.2mile Bike
-Banded Face Pulls
- OH Distraction
2 Push Jerks + 1 Split Jerk
Five Rounds
- ½ mile Bike
- 15 KB Snatch - R
- 15 KB Snatch - L
- 30 GHD Sit-Ups
Alpha: 53/35; Full GHD
Omega: 44/26; Partial GHD
Fitness: 35/20; AbMat
- Puppy Dog
- Twisted Cross
- Down Dog
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 8 Push-Ups
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- 5 Pull-Ups
- Banded Low Dragon
- Low Dragon
- Foam Roll Lats/Glutes/Hams/Quads
- Legs Up Wall
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 200m Run
“Omega”: 1xBW; .75xBW; .5xBW
“Fitness”: .75xBW; .5xBW; .25xBW
- Thread the Needle
- Dragon Pose
- Twisted Cross
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 5 Calorie Row Slow
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Calorie Row Faster
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 10 Lunges w/Pass-Through
- 10 OHS w/PVC
- 5 Calorie Row Fastest
- 5 KB RDL
- 8 Goblet Squats
- 6 Step-Ups
- Banded Blackburns
- OH Distraction
2 Hang Snatch Pull + 1 Power Snatch
Five Rounds x 3 min AMRAP
- 10 Front Squats
- 10 Box Jumps/Steps 30/24
- Max Calorie Row
*Rest 1 min
Alpha: 155/105; 30/24
Omega: 135/95; 24/20
Fitness: 95/65; 20
- Single Leg Forward Fold
- Saddle Pose
- Single Leg Saddle Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Sled Push/Pull
- 200m Run
- Bear Crawl
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Air Squats
- 5 Push-Ups
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5/5 KB Presses
- 5/5 KB Rows
- 8 Goblet Squats
- 15 KBS
- OH Distraction
18min EMOM
- Sled Push
- Goblet Squats
- AbMat Sit-Ups
Alpha: 90/70; 53/35
Omega: 70/45; 44/26
Fitness: 45/empty; 35/20
- Couch Stretch
- Twisted Cross
- Seated Straddle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 0.3 mile Bike
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 5 Box Jump Overs/Step-Overs
- Bear Crawl Box Push
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5/5 KB Plank Drags
- 10 Goblet Squats
- 10 KBS
- 30 sec Plank
- PVC Front Rack Stretch
- Banded Face Pulls
Five Rounds
- 4 Strict HSPU
- 8 KB Cleans x2
- 15 KB Step-Ups x1
- 20 Box Jump-Overs/Step-Overs 24/20
Alpha: Strict; 53/35
Omega: Kipping HSPU; 44/26
Fitness: HRPU; 35/20
- Forward Fold
- Saddle Pose w/Archer Arms
- Legs Up Wall
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 10 Calorie Bike
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 5 Air Squats
- 10 Lunges
- 2min DU Practice
- Banded Blackburns
2 Push Jerks + 1 Split Jerk
- 25 Calories Bike
- 150 DU/150 Singles
- 50 Lunges (BW)
- 200 Singles
- 50 Lunges (BW)
- 150 DU/150 Singles
- 25 Calorie Bike
Omega: DU; SU
Fitness: Singles
- Low Dragon
- Twisted Cross
- Lizard Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
-200m Run
-5 Broad Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- Sled Push/Pull
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 200m Run
- Instep Series Stretch
Three Rounds
- 20 Power Cleans
- 30 WBS
- 20 Pistols
Buy-Out w/Vest
- 400m Run
- 20 Pull-Ups
- 25 Push-Ups
Alpha: 115/75; 20/14; Pistols; Vest
Omega: 95/65; 16/12; Assisted Pistols; No Vest
Fitness: 55/45; 14/10; Air Squats; No Vest
- Dragon Pose
- Down Dog
- Frog Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 400m Run
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Air Squats
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 30 sec Plank
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
“Omega”: 225/155; 44/26
“Fitness”: 135/95; 35/20
- Legs Up Wall
- Supine Twist
- Couch Stretch
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 0.3 mile Bike
- 5/5 Jumping Lunges
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 10 Air Squats
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Dips
- 5 Pull-Ups
- OH Distraction
18min AMRAP
- 2 Rope Climbs 15'
- 10 Ring Dips
- 20 GHD Sit-Ups
Alpha: Rope; Ring; GHD
Omega: Strict PUx3; Matador; Partial GHD
Fitness: Banded Strictx5; HRPU; AbMat
- Saddle w/Eagle Arms
- Seal Pose
- Seated Forward Fold
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Row
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- Bear Crawl
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 200m Row
- 2min DU Practice
- Banded Blackburns
*DB or BB
Four Rounds
- 500m Row
- 50 Lunges (BW)
- 50 DU/50 Singles
Omega: DU
Fitness: Singles
- Lizard Pose
- Low Dragon
- Foam Roll Lats/Glutes/Hams
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 12/9 Calorie Bike
- 10 Lunges w/KB
- 5/5 KB Rows
- 5/5 KB Presses
- 5 KB RDL
- 8 Goblet Squats
- 10 KBS
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- Instep Series Stretch
Five Rounds
- 15 KBS
- 15 Deficit Push-Ups*
- 30/21 Calorie Bike
Alpha: 53/35; Deficit
Omega: 44/26; HRPU
Fitness: 35/20; Banded or Modified
*Hands on 25lbs Plates
- Saddle w/Archer Arms
- Bound Ankle
- Down Dog
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- ½ Mile Bike
- 5 Swimmers
- 10 Shoulder Plank Taps
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- Bird Dog
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 6 Step-Ups/Jumps
- 10 Lunges w/Pass-Through
- PVC Front Rack Stretch
- OH Distraction
- Banded Face Pulls
12min AMRAP
- 10 DB Squat Snatches
- 20 Box Jumps 24/20
Alpha: 50/35
Omega: 35/25
Fitness: 15/10
- Puppy Dog
- Thread the Needle
- Dragon Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 10/7 Calorie Row/Bike
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 30 sec Inverted Hold/Plank Hold
- 5 Swimmers
- Bear Crawl
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- Scorpion Stretch
Five Rounds
- 15/12 Calorie Row/Bike
- 3 Muscle-Ups
- 6 HSPU
- 9 Floor Press
Alpha: MU; HSPU; 135/95
Omega: Strict PU/Dips; Pike Push-Up; 95/65
Fitness: Jumping PU/Push-Ups; 3 WW; 45/35
- Twisted Cross
- Supine Twist
- Frog Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 5 Calorie Bike
- 10 Jumping Lunges
- 5 Push-Ups
- 3 Pull-Ups
- 5 Calorie Bike
- 10 Jumping Air Squats
- 5 Push-Ups
- 3 Pull-Ups
- 5 Calorie Bike
- Thrusters
- Pull-Ups
* Rest 2 min
- Thrusters
- Pull-Ups
*Rest 2min
- Thrusters
- Pull-Ups
Alpha: 95/65; PU
Omega: 75/55; Banded PU
Fitness: 45/35; RR
- Foam Roll Lats/Glutes/Hams
- Thread the Needle
- Saddle w/Archer Arms
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 0.3 mile Bike
- 5/5 Jumping Lunges
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 5/5 Scissor Kicks
- 5/5 Flutter Kicks
- 10 Sit-Ups
- OH Distraction
Power Clean + Push Jerk 1-1-1
- 60 T2B/K2E/Sit-Ups
*EMOM of 10 Burpees starting 0:00
Alpha: T2B; 10 Burpees
Omega: K2E; 8 Burpees
Fitness: Sit-Ups; 6 Burpees
- Seal Pose
- Bound Ankle
- Foam Roll Hams/Glutes/Quads
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- Bear Crawl/Crab Walk
- 5 Diamond Push-Ups
- 5 Wide Grip Push-Ups
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5/5 Kneeling KB Presses
- 5 KB Thrusters
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Banded Blackburns
- Smash and Roll Forearms/Triceps
*DB or BB
Three Rounds
- 10 KB Push Press
- 20 C2B Pull-Ups
- 30 WBS
Alpha: 44/26; C2BPU; 20/14
Omega: 35/20; PU; 16/12
Fitness: 18/13; RR; 14/10
- Down Dog
- Puppy Dog
- Thread the Needle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 10 Lunges w/Pass-Through
- 5 OHS w/PVC
- 5 Box Jumps/Step-Ups
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 5 Push-Ups
- 200m Run
- PVC Front Rack Stretch
- Instep Series Stretch
12min AMRAP
- 30 Box Jumps/Step-Ups 24/20
- 15 Clean & Jerks
*Increase wt. by 10lbs every Rd.
Alpha: 95/65 by 10lbs
Omega: 75/55 by 5 lbs
Fitness: 45/35 by 5 lbs
Alpha: 95/65; 105/75; 115/85; 125/95; 135/105
Omega: 75/55; 80/60; 85/65; 90/70; 95/75
Fitness: 45/35; 50/40; 55/45; 60/50; 65/55
- Saddle Pose
- Frog Pose
- Lizard Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- ½ mile Bike
- 5 Hanging Shoulder Shrugs
- 5 Kip Swings
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- OH Distraction
- KB Snatches
- Rope Climbs
Alpha: 53/35; Rope
Omega: 44/26; Strict PUx3
Fitness: 35/20; RRx5
- Twisted Cross
- Dragon Pose
- Double Needle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 0.3 mile Bike
- 5/5 Jumping Lunges
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 10 Lunges w/Pass-Through
- 5 OHS w/PVC
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 0.3 mile Bike
- Scorpion Stretch
- Bird Dog Stretch
- 1 mile Bike
- 20 Hang Power Snatch
- 30 Bar Facing Burpees
- 20 Hang Power Snatch
- 1 mile Bike
Alpha: 75/55
Omega: 55/45
Fitness: 45/35
- Seated Straddle
- Supine Twist
- Forward Fold
- Seal Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 400m Run
- Bear Crawl/Crab Walk
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- OH Distraction
Three Rounds
- 800m Run
- 15 Pull-Ups
- 30 Front Squats
- 15 T2B/K2E/Sit-Ups
- 30 Thrusters
Alpha: PU; 115/75; T2B
Omega: Banded/Jumping; 95/65; K2E
Fitness: RR; 45/35; Sit-Ups
- Low Dragon
- Ext. Arm Lizard Pose
- Saddle w/Eagle Arms
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Duck Walk
- 10 Air Squats
- 5 KB RDL
- 8 Goblet Squats
- 6 KB Thrusters
- 5/5 Kneeling KB Presses
- 10 Lunges/Pass-Through
- PVC Front Rack Stretch
- ½ mile Bike
- 10 Banded Lat Pull-Downs to Row
- OH Distraction
Three Sets with Increasing Speed/Wt.
- 3-5 BB Thrusters
- 5-7 Pull-Ups or C2B
- 3-5 BB Thrusters
- 3-5 Bar MU or C2B
All for time:
5 rounds of:
10 thrusters, weight 1
10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
Rest 1 minute, then:
5 rounds of:
7 thrusters, weight 2
7 bar muscle-ups
Time cap: 15 minutes
F: 65lb, 95lb
M: 95lb, 135lb
All for time:
5 rounds of:
10 thrusters, weight 1
10 jumping chest-to-bar
Rest 1 minute, then:
5 rounds of:
7 thrusters, weight 2
7 chin-over-bar pull-ups
Time cap: 15 minutes
F: 45lb, 65lb
M: 65lb, 95lb
All for time:
5 rounds of:
10 thrusters, weight 1
10 chin-over-bar pull-ups
Rest 1 minute, then:
5 rounds of:
7 thrusters, weight 2
7 chest-to-bar pull-ups
Time cap: 15 minutes
F: 45lb, 65lb
M: 65lb, 95lb
All for time:
5 rounds of:
10 thrusters, weight 1
10 jumping chest-to-bar
Rest 1 minute, then:
5 rounds of:
7 thrusters, weight 2
7 chin-over-bar pull-ups
Time cap: 15 minutes
F: 35lb, 55lb
M: 45lb, 65lb
- Lizard Pose
- Twisted Cross
- Saddle w/Archer Arms
- Foam Roll Lats/Glutes/Hams/Quads
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 12 Calorie Bike
- 5/5 Jumping Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- 5 Superman
- 30 sec Plank
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 5 Hanging Shoulder Shrugs
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Banded Blackburns
*DB or BB
- Calorie Bike/Row
- Deadlifts
Alpha: 225/155
Omega: 185/125
Fitness: 135/95
- Cat/Cow Pose
- Twisted Cross
- Supine Twist
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Duck Walk
- 5 Air Squats
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 5 KB RDL
- 10 KB Lunges
- 10 Goblet Squats
- 5/5 KB Presses
- 10 KBS
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Instep Series Stretch
- 3 sec pause
- Rapid return
10 Rounds
- 1 Clean & Jerk
- 5 Pull-Ups
- 10 Push-Ups
- 15 Air Squats
Alpha: BW; Strict;
Omega: 0.75BW; Kipping
Fitness: 0.5BW; RR
*Record load in notes
- Bound Ankle
- Saddle Pose
- Forward Fold
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 10 Calorie Row/Bike
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Push-Ups
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 5 RDL
- 5 Bent Over Row
- 5 Front Squats
- 5 Shoulder Press
- 5 Back Squats
- 5 Good Mornings
20 min AMRAP
- 5 Power Snatch
- 7 Power Clean
- 10 Thrusters
- 20 Calorie Row or Bike
Alpha: 95/65
Omega: 75/55
Fitness: 45/35
- Thread the Needle
- Dragon Pose
- Down Dog
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- Sled Push/Pull
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Dips
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Scorpion Stretch
“Omega” 95/65; Matador
“Fitness” 45/35; HRPU
- Supine Twist
- Twisted Cross
- Lizard Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
McGuires 5km Prediction Race
***NO CLASS***
Parking Lot Reserved for Clients
Breakfast and Lunch
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 5 Inchworms
- 10 Glute Bridges
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 10 Goblet Squats
- 10 Banded Good Mornings
- 300m Row
- Down Dog
- Banded Blackburns
- Bird Dog
- Build to DL weight
- 2min Jump Rope Practice
- 300m Row
*Slow Round of Each Movement
As many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
300-meter row*
10 deadlifts
50 double-unders
F: 125lb
M: 185lb
*Each row counts as 30 reps (10m = 1 rep)
As many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
300-meter row
10 deadlifts
50 single-unders
F: 95lb
M: 135lb
As many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
300-meter row*
10 deadlifts
50 single-unders
F: 65lb
M: 95lb
*Each row counts as 30 reps (10m = 1 rep)
As many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
300-meter row*
10 deadlifts
50 double-unders
F: 95lb
M: 135lb
*Each row counts as 30 reps (10m = 1 rep)
- Supine Twist
- Low Dragon
- Forward Fold
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Bear Crawl/Crab Walk
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 10 Plank K2E
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 10 Lunges w/Pass-Through
- 10 OHS w/PVC
- Banded Blackburns
*DB or BB
6min AMRAP x 3
- 10 Power Snatches
- 10 Box Jump Overs/Step Overs 24/20
- 10 OHS
- 10 T2B/K2E/Sit-Ups
Alpha: 95/65; T2B
Omega: 75/55; K2E
Fitness: 45/35; Sit-Ups
*Rest 1 min between AMRAPS
*Record total rounds/reps
- Double Needle
- Dragon Pose
- Twisted Cross
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 400m Run
- Duck Walk
- 10 Glute Bridges
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 RDL
- 5 Bent Over Row
- 5 Front Squats
- 5 Shoulder Press
- 5 Back Squats
- 5 Good Mornings
*3 sec pause
14min AMRAP
- 30 Deadlifts
- 1 mile Run
“Grace” 30 Clean & Jerks
Alpha: 135/95
Omega: 95/65
Fitness: 55/45
*Record reps of Grace
- Saddle Pose w/Archer Arms
- Low Dragon
- Couch Stretch
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 10 Calorie Row
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 10 Swimmers
- 5 V-Ups
- 5 Hanging Shoulder Shrugs
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- OH Distraction
- 20 Calorie Row
- 30 WBS
- 20 T2B/K2E/Sit-Ups
- 30 Box Jumps/Steps 24/20
- 20 Power Cleans
- 30 Burpees
- 20 S2OH
- 20 Calorie Row
Alpha: 20/14; T2B; 95/65
Omega: 16/12; K2E; 75/55
Fitness: 14/10; Sit-Ups; 45/35
- Lizard Pose
- Twisted Cross
- Thread the Needle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 30 Singles/30 DU
- 200m Run
- 10 Lunges
- 5/5 SLRDL
- 5 Air Squats
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 30 sec Plank
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 10 Ring Rows
- 30 Singles/30 DU
- Scorpion Stretch
14min AMRAP
- 10 C2B Pull-Ups
- 20 Back Squats
- 30 DU/50 Singles
Alpha: C2BPU; 95/65; DU
Omega: PU; 75/55; DU
Fitness: RR; 45/35; Singles
- Dragon Pose
- Seated Straddle
- Supine Twist
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 400m Run
- 10 Ring Rows
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 5 RDL
- 5 Bent Over Row
- 5 Front Squats
- 5 Shoulder Press
- 5 Back Squats
- 5 Good Mornings
- Rope Climb Practice
- 2 Rope Climbs 15'
- 10 Shoulder Press
- 2 Rope Climbs
- 15 OHS
- 2 Rope Climbs
- 20 Push Presses
- 2 Rope Climbs
- 25 Front Squats
- 2 Rope Climbs
- 30 Push Jerk
- 2 Rope Climbs
- 35 Back Squats
Alpha: Rope; 95/65
Omega: 10 PU; 75/55
Fitness: 20 Ring Rows; 45/35
- Foam Roll Lats/Glutes/Quads
- Seated Straddle
- Forward Fold
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- ½ mile Bike
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 10 SLRDL with a tap
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 10 Sit-Ups
- Banded Blackburns
- OH Distraction
-2 Clean Pulls
-1 Power Clean
-1 Push Jerk
For time:
21 dumbbell snatches, arm 1
21 lateral burpees over dumbbell
21 dumbbell snatches, arm 2
21 lateral burpees over dumbbell
15 dumbbell snatches, arm 1
15 lateral burpees over dumbbell
15 dumbbell snatches, arm 2
15 lateral burpees over dumbbell
9 dumbbell snatches, arm 1
9 lateral burpees over dumbbell
9 dumbbell snatches, arm 2
9 lateral burpees over dumbbell
F: 35lb dumbbell
M: 50lb dumbbell
Time cap: 15 minutes
For time:
21 dumbbell snatches, arm 1
21 lateral burpees over dumbbell
21 dumbbell snatches, arm 2
21 lateral burpees over dumbbell
15 dumbbell snatches, arm 1
15 lateral burpees over dumbbell
15 dumbbell snatches, arm 2
15 lateral burpees over dumbbell
9 dumbbell snatches, arm 1
9 lateral burpees over dumbbell
9 dumbbell snatches, arm 2
9 lateral burpees over dumbbell
F: 20lb dumbbell
M: 35lb dumbbell
Time cap: 15 minutes
For time:
21 dumbbell snatches, arm 1
21 lateral burpees over dumbbell
21 dumbbell snatches, arm 2
21 lateral burpees over dumbbell
15 dumbbell snatches, arm 1
15 lateral burpees over dumbbell
15 dumbbell snatches, arm 2
15 lateral burpees over dumbbell
9 dumbbell snatches, arm 1
9 lateral burpees over dumbbell
9 dumbbell snatches, arm 2
9 lateral burpees over dumbbell
F: 10lb dumbbell
M: 20lb dumbbell
Time cap: 15 minutes
For time:
21 dumbbell snatches, arm 1
21 lateral burpees over dumbbell
21 dumbbell snatches, arm 2
21 lateral burpees over dumbbell
15 dumbbell snatches, arm 1
15 lateral burpees over dumbbell
15 dumbbell snatches, arm 2
15 lateral burpees over dumbbell
9 dumbbell snatches, arm 1
9 lateral burpees over dumbbell
9 dumbbell snatches, arm 2
9 lateral burpees over dumbbell
F: 20lb dumbbell
M: 35lb dumbbell
Time cap: 15 minutes
- Twisted Cross
- Thread the Needle
- Lizard Pose
***Come eat tonight at 5:30***
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 15/12 Calorie Bike
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Diamond Push-Ups
- 5 Wide Grip Push-Ups
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Banded Face Pulls
*DB or BB
- KB Thruster (2)
- C2B Pull-Ups
- Calorie Bike
Alpha: 53/35; C2B Pull-Ups
Omega: 44/26; PU
Fitness: 35/20; Jumping PU
- Thread the Needle
- Saddle w/Eagle Arms
- Twisted Cross
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 10/7 Calorie Row
- 5 Push-Ups
- 30 sec Plank
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 10 Lunges
- 8 Goblet Squats
- 5/5 KB Presses
- 10 KBS
- 10 Ring Rows
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Instep Series Stretch
*Tempo 3/3/1
- 3 sec descent
- 3 sec pause
- Rapid return
15min AMRAP
- 15 Calorie Row
- 10 Box Jumps/Steps 30/24
- 5 Push Jerks
Alpha: 30/24; 155/105
Omega: 24/20; 115/75
Fitness: 20; 95/65
- Saddle Pose
- Lizard Pose
- Frog Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 400m Run
- Bear Crawl/Crab Walk
- 5 Narrow Grip Push-Ups
- 5 Wide Grip Push-Ups
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 5 Swimmers
- 10 Air Squats
- 5/5 Jumping Lunges
- 5 Dips
- OH Distraction
- Dead Hang for time
- 400m Run
- 30 WBS
- 30 Ring Dips
- 20 WBS
- 20 C2B Pull-Ups
- 10 WBS
- 10 Push-Ups
Alpha: 20/14; Ring, C2BPU
Omega: 16/12; Matador; PU
Fitness: 14/10; Box; RR
- Dragon Pose
- Saddle w/Archer Arms
- Twisted Cross
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Scorpion Stretch
- Banded Blackburn
- 50 DU/100 Singles
- 5 Squat Snatches
- 50 DU/100 Singles
- 4 Squat Snatches
- 50 DU/100 Singles
- 3 Squat Snatches
- 50 DU/100 Singles
- 2 Squat Snatches
- 50 DU/100 Singles
- 1 Squat Snatch
Alpha: 75/55; 95/65; 105/70; 115/75; 135/95
Omega: 45/35; 55/45; 65/50; 75/55; 95/65
Fitness: 45/35
- Supine Twist
- Ext. Arm Lizard Pose
- Low Dragon
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 30 Box Jumps/Steps 24/20
- 30 Jumping PU
- 30 KBS
- 30 Lunges (BW)
- 30 T2B
- 30 Air Squats
- 30 AbMat Sit-Ups
- 30 KB Snatches
- 30 Burpees
- 1 mile Run
Alpha: 53/35; T2B
Omega: 44/26; K2E
Fitness: 35/20; Leg Levers
- Couch stretch
- Twisted Cross
- Supine Twist
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- ½ mile Bike
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 5/5 Jumping Lunges
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 5 RDL
- 5 Snatch Grip High Pull
- 5 BTN Snatch Grip Press
- 5 Power Snatch
- DU Tips
- OH Distraction
-2 Clean Pulls
-1 Power Clean
-1 Push Jerk
- Seal Pose
- Legs Up Wall
- Straddle Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Bear Crawl/Crab Walk
- 5 Diamond Push-Ups
- 5 Wide Grip Push-Ups
- 10 Plank K2E
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- Smash Forearms/Triceps
*DB or BB
Five Rounds
- 10 KBS
- 20 Goblet Squats
- 300' Farmer Carry (2)
Alpha: 53/35
Omega: 44/26
Fitness: 35/20
- Twisted Cross
- Saddle w/Eagle Arms
- Bound Ankle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 10 Air Squats
- 30 sec Squat Hold
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 5 Dips
- Pistol Practice
- Banded Low Dragon
*Tempo 3/3/1
- 3 sec descent
- 3 sec pause
- Rapid return
- Seated Straddle
- Saddle Pose w/Archer Arms
- Instep Series Stretch
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 0.3 mile Bike
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 30 sec Plank
- 5 Push-Ups
-Banded Blackburns
- Power Cleans
- S2OH
Alpha: 75/55
Omega: 55/45
Fitness: 45/35
- Twisted Cross
- Lizard Pose
- Forward Fold
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
-200m Run
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 KB RDL
- 5/5 KB Presses
- 8 Goblet Squats
- 10 Goblet Squats
- 5 KB Thrusters
-Scorpion Stretch
7min EMOM
- 5 Burpees
- AMRAP Thrusters
* Start each min w/5 Burpees
Alpha: 135/95
Omega: 115/75
Fitness: 95/65
*Record Thrusters
*Rest 2 min
6min EMOM
- 5 Box Jumps/Steps 24/20
* Start each min w/5 BJ
Alpha: 20/14
Omega: 16/12
Fitness: 14/10
*Record WBS
- Dragon Pose
- Supine Twist
- Thread the Needle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 350m Row
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- 10 Push-Ups
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 200m Run
Five Rounds
- 500m Row
- 40 Air Squats
- 30 Abmat Sit-Ups
- 20 Push-Ups
- 10 Strict Pull-Ups
Alpha: Strict PU
Omega: Kipping PU
Fitness: Banded Strict PU
- Forward Fold
- Bound Ankle
- Saddle w/Archer Arms
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- ½ mile Bike
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 30 sec Wall Sit
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 10 Sit-Ups
- Banded Blackburns
-2 Clean Pulls
-1 Power Clean
-1 Push Jerk
- Legs Up Wall
- Single Leg Forward Fold
- Saddle w/Eagle Arms
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 10/7 Calorie Bike/Row
- Bear Crawl/Crab Walk
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups/Negatives
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- Smash Forearms/Triceps
- Blackburns - Ground
*DB or BB
16min AMRAP
- 16/12 Calorie Bike/Row
- 2 Rope Climbs 15'
- 8 WBS
*Add 2 Rope Climbs each rd
Alpha: Rope; 20/14
Omega: Strict PUx3; 16/12
Fitness: RRx6; 14/10
*1 Rope = 3 PU or 6 RR
- Seal Pose
- Double Needle
- Dragon Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Duck Walk
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 10 Flutter Kicks
- Instep Series Stretch
*Tempo 3/3/1
- 3 sec descent
- 3 sec pause
- Rapid return
Five Rounds
- 16 GHD Sit-Ups
- 8 Deadlifts
Buy-Out: 800m Run
Alpha: GHD; 275/205
Omega: V-Up; 225/155
Fitness: Abmat SU; 135/95
- Lizard Pose
- Couch Stretch
- Saddle Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- Bear Crawl/Crab Walk
- 5 Push-Ups
- 10 Shoulder Plank Taps
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 10/10 Flutter Kicks
- 50 DU/50 Singles
- OH Distraction
Three Rounds
- 25 T2B/K2E/Sit-Ups
- 50 DU/75 Singles
- 15 Clusters
- 50 DU/75 Singles
- 25 S2OH
Alpha: T2B; 95/65; DU
Omega: K2E; 75/55; DU
Fitness: SU; 45/35; Singles
- Seal Pose
- Low Dragon
- Twisted Cross
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 0.3 mile Bike
- 5/5 Jumping Lunges
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 30 sec Squat Hold
- 30 sec Plank
- 5 Inchworms
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 5 Ring Dips
- Scorpion Stretch
- Banded Blackburns
- 30 OHS
- 7 MU
- 20 OHS
- 5 MU
- 10 OHS
- 3 MU
Alpha:95/65; MU
Omega: 75/55; Burpee PU
Fitness: 45/35; Burpee RRx3
- Foam Roll Lats/Glutes
- Supine Twist
- Thread the Needle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
Three Sets
- 200m Run
- 10 Lunges
- 6 Air Squats
- 8 Step-Ups
- 6 Push-Ups
- Pistol Scaling and Practice
Four Rounds
- 25 Box Jump Overs/Step-Overs 24/20
- 20 WBS
- 15 Pistols
- 400m Run
Alpha: 20/14; Pistols
Omega: 16/12; Assisted Pistol
Fitness: 14/10; Air Squats
- Instep Series Stretch
- Bound Ankle
- Forward Fold
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 0.3 mile Bike
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 10 Jumping Lunges
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 10 Glute Bridges
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 200m Run
- OH Distraction
-2 Clean Pulls
-1 Power Clean
-1 Push Jerk
- Frog Pose
- Supine Twist
- Couch Stretch
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Bear Crawl/Crab Walk
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Diamond Push-Ups
- 5 Wide Grip Push-Ups
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- Banded Blackburns
*DB or BB
Five Rounds
- 10 T2B/K2E/Leg Levers
- 20 Goblet Squats
- 30 DU/50 Singles
Alpha: T2B; 53/35; DU
Omega: K2E; 44/26; DU
Fitness: LL; 35/20; Singles
- Twisted Cross
- Lizard Pose
- Double Needle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 0.3 mile Bike
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- 8 Goblet Squats
- 5 KB RDL
- 5/5 KB Presses
- 5/5 KB Rows
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Banded Low Dragon
*Tempo 3/3/1
- 3 sec descent
- 3 sec pause
- Rapid return
20min AMRAP
- 300' Farmer Carry
- 10 Box Jumps/Steps 24/20
- 300' Farmer Carry
- 10 C2B Pull-Ups
Alpha: 53/35; C2BPU
Omega: 44/26; PU
Fitness: 35/20; RR
- Dragon Pose
- Legs Up Wall
- Saddle w/Archer Arms
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 30sec Plank
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 5 RDL
- 5 Bent Over Row
- 5 Front Squats
- 5 Shoulder Press
- 5 Back Squats
- 5 Good Mornings
Buy-In: 100 DU/200 Singles
Five Rounds
- 9 Deadlifts
- 7 Front Squats
- 5 HSPU
Buy-Out: 100 DU/200 Singles
Alpha: DU; 155/105; HSPU
Omega: DU; 115/75; Pike PU
Fitness: Singles; 95/65; HRPU
- Thread the Needle
- Low Dragon
- Saddle Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 5 Inchworms
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- 200m Run
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Scorpion Stretch
- Supine Twist
- Foam Roll Lats/Glutes/Hams
- Saddle w/Eagle Arms
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 400m Run
- Bear Crawl
- Sled Push/Pull
- 5/5 KB SLRDL
- 8 Goblet Squats
- 5/5 KB Presses
- 10 KBS
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 8 Push-Ups
- ½ mile Bike
Four Rounds
- 15 Deadlifts
- 10 Power Cleans
- 10 C2B Pull-Ups
- 5 Thrusters
- 5 Muscle-Ups
Alpha: 135/95; MU
Omega: 115/75; PU+Ring Dips
Fitness: 95/65; RR+ HRPU
- Seated Straddle
- Supine Twist
- Legs Up Wall
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 350m Row
- 5 Snatch Grip RDL
- 5 Snatch High Pulls
- 5 BTN Snatch Grip Presses
- 5 Back Squats
- 5 Good Mornings
- Banded Face Pulls
12 min to heaviest
20min AMRAP
- 20 WBS
- 20 KBS
- 20 Calorie Row
Alpha: 20/14; 53/35
Omega:16/12; 44/26
Fitness: 14/10; 35/20
- Forward Fold
- Seal Pose
- Ext. Arm Lizard Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- Sled Push/Pull
- 30sec Wall Sit
- 30 sec Plank
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
-Banded Blackburns
12 min to heaviest
- Power Cleans
- Bar Facing Burpees
Alpha: 95/65
Omega: 75/55
Fitness: 45/35
- Lizard Pose
- Saddle w/Archer Arms
- Bound Ankle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 5 Inchworms
- 5 Push-Ups
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 10 Lunges w/Pass-Through
- 10 OHS w/PVC
- 5 Hanging Shoulder Shrugs
- 5 Kips Swing
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Figure Eights
- 30 sec Sumo Squat Hold
- Dragon Stretch
- Puppy Dog
- Down Dog
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Bear Crawl/Crab Walk
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 KB RDL
- 5 Goblet Squats
- 5 KB Front Squats
- 5/5 KB Presses
- 10 KBS
- 200m Run
- Banded Blackburns
- Shoulder Circles
- Rings + Weight
- Rings
- Matador + Weight
- Matador
- Box/Bench + Weight
- 400m Run
- Rope Climb 15'
- 400m Run
- 30 KB Front Squats (2bells)
- 400m Run
- 20 Alt. KB Snatch
- 400m Run
Alpha: 53/35; Rope
Omega: 44/26; 5 G2F
Fitness: 35/20; 7 Pull-Ups
- Thread the Needle
- Low Dragon
- Saddle Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 0.3 Mile Bike
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 5/5 Jumping Lunges
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Sit-Ups
- OH Distraction
12 min to heaviest
- Lunges
- Thrusters
- Pull-Ups
- Push Presses
Alpha: 95/65; PU
Omega: 75/55; Banded
Fitness: 45/35; RR
- Twisted Cross
- Saddle w/Eagle Arms
-Foam Roll Lats/Glutes/Hams
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
Two Sets
- 400m Run
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
Three Rounds
- 800m Run
- 5 Front Squats
- 400m Run
- 10 C2B Pull-Ups
- 200m Run
- 15 Box Jumps/Steps 24/20
Alpha: 115/75; C2BPU
Omega: 95/65; PU
Fitness: 75/55; RR/Banded
- Low Dragon
- Bound Ankle
- Seal Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5/5 Pistol Practice
- Pass-Throughs/Figure Eights
- Banded Blackburns
5x 1-1-1 q 2min
5 sets of 3 singles
*Static wt.
Five Rounds
- 200m Run
- 30 KBS
- 30 AbMat Sit-Ups
- 30 Pistols
Alpha: 44/26; Pistols
Omega: 35/20; Box Assisted
Fitness: 18/12; Air Squats
- Instep Series Stretch
- Forward Fold
- Foam Roll Lats/Hams
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 10/7 Calorie Bike
- 5/5 Jumping Lunges
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 10 Glute Bridges
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
-OH Distraction
- 9 Thrusters
- 9 Calorie Bike
- 15 Deadlifts
- 15 Calorie Bike
- 21 Thrusters
- 21 Calorie Bike
- 21 Deadlifts
- 21 Calorie Bike
- 15 Thrusters
- 15 Calorie Bike
- 9 Deadlifts
- 9 Calorie Bike
Alpha: 115/75
Omega: 95/65
Fitness: 75/55
- Supine Twist
- Dragon Pose
- Saddle w/Eagle Arms
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 60sec Rowing
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 5 Swimmers
- 10 Plank K2E
- 10 Lunges w/Pass-Through
- 10 OHS w/PVC
- 35 DU/50 Singles
- Figure Eights
- Banded Face Pulls
- Foam Roll
- Legs Up Wall
- Couch Stretch
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Duck Walk
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 5 Air Squats
- 10 Lunges
-Banded Blackburns
- Rings + Weight
- Rings
- Matador + Weight
- Matador
- Box/Bench + Weight
- Saddle Pose
- Twisted Cross
- Double Needle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Broad Jumps
- Sled Push/Pull
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Swimmers
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 5 Dips
- 8 Step-Ups
- 10 Lunges w/Pass-Through
- PVC Front Rack Stretch
- OH Distraction
5 x 1-1-1 q 2min
5 sets of 3 singles
*Static Wt.
15min AMRAP
- 8 Ring Dips
- 10 Box Jumps/Steps 24/20
- 12 OH BB Lunges
Alpha: Rings; 95/65
Omega: Matador; 75/55
Fitness: Bench; 45/35
- Thread the Needle
- Saddle w/Archer Arms
- Lizard Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 400m Run
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Squats
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 10 Push-Ups
- 50 Back Squats
- 50 MB Sit-Ups
- 25 Front Squats
- 25 MB Sit-Ups
- 10 OHS
- 10 MB Sit-Ups
Alpha: 95/65; 20/14
Omega: 75/55; 16/12
Fitness: 45/35; 14/10
- Seated Forward Fold
- Foam Roll Glutes/Hams/Quads
- Bound Ankle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Bear Crawl/Crab Walk
- 5 Inchworms
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 10 Lunges
-Pass-Throughs/Figure Eights
-Banded Face Pulls
2 Snatch High Pull + 1 Squat Snatch
- Push Presses
- Burpees
Alpha: 95/65
Omega: 75/55
Fitness: 45/35
- Puppy Dog
- Down Dog
- Cobra Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 0.3 mile Bike
- 5/5 Jumping Lunges
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- Banded Blackburns
Three Rounds
- 1/2mile Bike
- 12 Deadlifts @BW
- 21 T2B/K2E/LL
- 100m Farmer's Carry
Alpha: BW; T2B; 53/35x2
Omega: .75 BW; K2E; 44/26x2
Fitness: .5BW; LL; 35/20x2
- Seated Straddle
- Saddle w/Eagle Arms
- Ext. Arms Lizard Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 10 Lunges 2/Pass-Through
- 200m Row
- 10 OHS w/PVC
- 200m Run
- Instep Series Stretch
- Dragon Pose
- Forward Fold
- Couch Stretch
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 30sec Hang
- 5 Hanging Shoulder Shrugs
- 5 Kip Swings
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 5 Dips
- 10 Jumping Air Squats
- Twisted Cross
- Rings + Weight
- Rings
- Matador + Weight
- Matador
- Box/Bench + Weight
- Thrusters
- C2B Pull-Ups
Alpha: 135/95; C2BPU
Omega: 115/75; PU
Fitness: 95/65; RR
- Foam Roll Lats/Glutes/Hams
- Twisted Cross
- Thread the Needle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 5 Inchworms
- 10 Push-Ups
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- 200m Run
- PVC Front Rack Stretch
- OH Distraction
2 Hang Clean +1 Power Clean
-800m Run
-50 Push-Ups
-40 DU/80 Singles
-30 T2B/K2E/Sit-Ups
-20 Box Jumps/Steps 24/20
-10 HSPU
-5 Rope Climbs
-800m Run
Alpha: T2B; HSPU; Rope
Omega: K2E; 30sec Inverted Hold; 10 G2F (total)
Fitness: Sit-Ups; HRPU; 7 Pull-Ups (total)
- Lizard Pose
- Seal Pose
- Low Dragon
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
Three Sets (increasing speed each set)
- 10 JJ
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 8 Step-Ups
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 5 Pull-Ups
Omega: 65/55; PU
Fitness: 45/35; RR
- Ext. Arm Lizard Pose
- Single Leg Saddle
- Single Leg Forward Fold
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Inchworms
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Jumping Lunges
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- Banded Blackburns
- Figure Eights
2 Snatch High Pull + 1 Squat Snatch
- Legs Up Wall
- Seal Pose
- Forward Fold
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Broad Jumps
- Sled Push/Pull
- 10 Air Squats
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Push-Ups
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Glute Bridges
- OH Distraction
12min AMRAP
- 4 Power Cleans
- 8 Push Presses
- 12 Front Squats
Alpha: 75/55
Omega: 55/45
Fitness: 45/35
- Lizard Pose
- Couch Stretch
- Frog Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 20sec Pull-Up Hang
- 5 Hanging Shoulder Shrugs
- 5 Kip Swings
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 5 MB RDL
- 5 MB Presses
- 5 MB Rows
- 5 MB Tosses
- 10 KBS
- 5 Goblet Squats
- Banded Blackburns
18min AMRAP
- 5 C2B Pull-Ups
- 10 WBS
- 15 KBS
Alpha: C2BPU; 20/14; 53/35
Omega: PU; 16/12; 44/26
Fitness: Jumping PU/RR; 14/10; 35/20
- Saddle w/Eagle Arms
- Down Dog
- Foam Roll Lats/Glutes/Hams
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 0.3 Mile Bike
- Bear Crawl/Crab Walk
- 5 Narrow Grip Push-Ups
- 5 Wide Grip Push-Ups
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- 5 Inchworms
- 30 DU/50 Singles
-Twisted Cross
- Banded Face Pulls
- Rings + Weight
- Rings
- Matador + Weight
- Matador
- Box/Bench + Weight
Five Rounds x 3min
- 10 Push Jerk
- Max reps DU/Singles
*Rest 1 min
Alpha: 155/105; DU
Omega: 135/95; DU
Fitness: 95/65; Singles
- Twisted Cross
- Thread the Needle
- Low Dragon
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 5/5 Jumping Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
-Pass-Throughs/Figure Eights
- PVC Front Rack Stretch
2 Hang Clean +1 Power Clean
Five Rounds
- 10 T2B/K2E/LL
- 10 Power Snatch
- 10 WBS
Alpha: T2B; 75/55; 20/14
Omega: K2E; 55/45; 16/12
Fitness: LL; 45/35; 14/10
- Dragon Pose
- Saddle w/Archer Arms
- Puppy Dog
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 350m Row
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 5 Hanging Shoulder Shrugs
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 5 Kip Swings
- 5 Dips
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
Buy-In 1000m Row
Three Rounds
- 5 Muscle-Ups/10 C2BPU
- 5 HSPU
- 25 Air Squats
Buy-Out 1000m Row
Alpha: MU; HSPU
Omega: C2BPU; 30sec Inverted Hold
Fitness: PU; HRPU
- Dragon Pose
- Twisted Cross
-Seal Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- ½ mile Bike
- 10 Lunges w/Pass-Through
- 10 OHS w/PVC
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Banded Face Pulls
2 Snatch High Pull + 1 Squat Snatch
Five Rounds
- 21 OHS
- 21 Burpees
Alpha: 95/65
Fitness: 45/35
- Down Dog
- Legs Up Wall
-Thread the Needle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 10 Glute Bridges - Back on Bench
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- Scorpion Stretch
- OH Distraction
Five Rounds
- 20 Deadlifts
- 20 Push-Ups
Alpha: 155/105
Omega: 135/95
Fitness: 115/75
- Supine Twist
- Saddle w/Archer Arms
- Puppy Dog
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 250m Row - Easy
- 5 Narrow Grip Push-Ups
- 5 Wide Grip Push-Ups
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 10 OHS w/PVC
- 10 Lunges w/Pass-Through
- 250m Row Hard
- Figure Eights
- Banded Blackburns
- 500m Row
- 30 Floor Press
- 1000m Row
- 20 Floor Press
- 2000m Row
- 10 Floor Press
Alpha: 135/95
Omega: 115/75
Fitness: 95/65
- Foam Roll Lats/Glutes/Hams
- Twisted Cross
- Lizard Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- Bear Crawl/Crab Walk
- Sled Push/Pull
- 10 Plank K2E
- 5 Push-Ups
- 20 sec Ring Dip Hold
-Twisted Cross
- Rings + Weight
- Rings
- Matador + Weight
- Matador
- Box/Bench + Weight
12min AMRAP
- 10 KBS
- 10 Box Jumps/Steps 24/20
- 10 Ring Dips
Alpha: 70/53; Ring
Omega: 53/35; Matador
Fitness: 44/26; Assisted/Box/Bench
- Seated Straddle
- Bound Ankle
- Saddle w/Eagle Arms
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
***Happy New Year***
New is the year, new are the hopes, new is the resolution, new are the spirits, and new are my warm wishes for you. Have a promising and fulfilling New Year and may you discover everything you are looking for in the new year right inside yourself!
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- Foam Roll
- Legs Up Wall
- Frog Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 250m Row
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 10 Lunges w/Pass-Through
- 10 OHS w/PVC
- 200m Run
- Banded Face Pulls
2 Snatch High Pull + 1 Squat Snatch
Three Rounds
- 500m Row
- 12 Deadlifts - BW
- 21 Box Jumps/Steps 24/20
Alpha: BW
Omega: .75 BW
Fitness: .5 BW
- Supine Twist
- Down Dog
- Saddle w/Eagle Arms
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 5 Hanging Shoulder Shrugs
- 5 Kip Swings
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 20 sec Dip Hold
- 5 Dips
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- ½ mile Bike
- PVC Front Rack Stretch
- OH Distraction
Five Rounds
- 10 Clean & Jerks
- 3 Muscle Ups
Alpha: 135/95; MU
Omega: 115/75; 5 Pull-Ups/5 Dips
Fitness: 75/55; 5 RR/Bench Dips
- Twisted Cross
- Dragon Pose
- Bound Ankle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 250m Row - Easy
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Pull-Ups
- 200m Row - Moderate
- 10 Air Squats
- 10 Lunges
- 250m Row - Fast
- Pass-Throughs/Figure Eights
- Banded Blackburns
- 9 Power Snatch
- 2000m Row
- 15 Power Cleans
- 1000m Row
- 21 Power Snatch
- 500m Row
Alpha: 95/65
Omega: 75/55
Fitness: 45/35
- Puppy Dog
- Couch Stretch
- Seal Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
***Happy Boxing Day***
May the glow of the Christmas tree and the company of loved ones warm your heart this Boxing Day. I hope today is filled with good food, better company, and LOVE.
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
Christmas is the spirit of giving without a thought of getting. It is happiness because we see joy in people. It is forgetting self and finding time for others. It is discarding the meaningless and stressing the true values.
Thomas S. Monson
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 400m Run
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 5/5 KB Rows
- 5/5 KB Presses
- 5/5 Single KBS
- 8 Goblet Squats
- 5 KB RDL
- ½ mile Bike
12min AMRAP
- 1 mile Run
- Max Clean and Jerks
Alpha: 155/105
Omega: 135/95
Fitness: 95/65
*Rest 2 min
8min AMRAP
- 800m Run
- Max Power Cleans
Alpha: 155/105
Omega: 135/95
Fitness: 95/65
*Rest 2 min
6min AMRAP
- 400m Run
- Max Pull-Ups/Banded/RR
Alpha: Pull-Ups
Omega: Banded
Fitness: RR
- Low Dragon
- Foam Roll
- Enjoy a lovely Christmas season…
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 400m Run
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 8 Push-Ups
- 10 Air Squats
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Sit-Ups
- ½ mile Bike
- Couch Stretch
- Foam Roll Lats/Glutes/Hams
- Frog Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Bear Crawl/Crab Walk
- 10 Plank K2E
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Inchworms
- 5/5 Jumping Lunges
- 5 Jumping Squats
- Banded Blackburns
- Power Snatch
- Burpees
- Pull-Ups
Alpha: 95/65; PU
Omega: 75/55; Jumping PU
Fitness: 45/35; RR
- Saddle w/Archer Arms
- Down Dog
- Puppy Dog
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- ½ mile Bike
- 10 Lunges
- 10 OHS w/PVC
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 RDL
- 5 Bent Over Row
- 5 Front Squats
- 5 Back Squats
- 5 Good Mornings
-Pass-Throughs/FIgure Eights
- OH Distraction
12 min AMRAP
- 15 Deadlifts
- 15 Deficit Push-Ups*
- 15 Box Jumps/Steps 24/20
Alpha: 155/105; Deficit
Omega: 135/95; HRPU
Fitness: 95/65; Push-Ups
*Hands on 25lb Bumpers
- Supine Twist
- Dragon Pose
- Legs Up Wall
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Duck Walk
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Jumping Lunges
- Push-Ups
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 5 Hanging Shoulder Shrugs
- 5 Kip Swings
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Banded Face Pulls
- Rings + Weight
- Rings
- Matador + Weight
- Matador
- Box/Bench + Weight
- 5 Front Squats
- 25 Pull-Ups
- 4 Front Squats
- 20 Pull-Ups
- 3 Front Squats
- 15 Pull-Ups
- 2 Front Squats
- 10 Pull-Ups
- 1 Front Squat
- 5 Pull-Ups
Alpha: 155/105; PU
Omega: 135/95; Banded PU
Fitness: 95/65; RR
- Twisted Cross
- Thread the Needle
- Saddle Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 250m Row
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- 200m Run
- Banded Blackburns
2 Hang Clean +1 Power Clean
Three Rounds
- 500m Row
- 21 Burpees
- 400m Run
- Seal Pose
- Lizard Pose
- Low Dragon
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 400m Run
- 20 WBS
- 20 Sit-Ups
- 20 Box Jumps/Steps 24/20
- 20 Push-Ups
- 20 Power Cleans
- 20 Pull-Ups
- 20 Thrusters
-20 Dips
- 20 OHS
- 20 KBS
- 20 Push Press
- 20 Burpees
- 20 SDHP
- 20 Lunges
- 20 Back Squats
- 20 T2B/K2E/Sit-Ups
- 20 Front Squats
- 400m Run
Alpha: 20/14; 95/65; PU; 53/35; T2B
Omega: 16/12; 75/55; Jumping PU; 44/26; K2E
Fitness: 14/10; 45/35; RR; 35/20; Sit-Ups
- Foam Roll
- Forward Fold
- Frog Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
No 4, 5, 6pm CLASSES
- ½ mile Bike
- 30 sec Plank
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 5 Push-Ups
- 1 Wall Walk/3 HSPU
- 5 KB RDL
- 5 Goblet Squats
- 5/5 KB Presses
- 5/5 KB Rows
- 15 KBS
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Banded Blackburns
- Pass-Throughs/Figure Eights
2 Snatch High Pull + 1 Squat Snatch
12 min AMRAP
- 5 HSPU
- 7 C2B Pull-Ups
- 35 Alt. KB Snatch
Alpha: HSPU; C2BPU; 44/26
Omega: 45sec HS Hold; PU; 35/20
Fitness: HRPU; RR; 18/13
- Saddle w/Eagle Arms
- Double Needle
- Down Dog
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 250m Row
- 5 Push-Ups
-5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
-5 Leg Levers
- 5 Swimmers
- 250m Row
- Banded Face Pulls
- 1000m Row
- 20 Weighted Sit-Ups
- 750m Row
- 20 T2B/K2E/Leg Levers
- 500m Row
- 20 Weighted Sit-Ups
Alpha: 35/25; T2B
Omega: 25/15; K2E
Fitness: 15/10; LL
- Thread the Needle
- Seated Straddle
- Seal Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
Two Sets
- 200m Run
- 5 Push-Ups
- ½ Sled Push/ ½ Sled Pull
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- Instep Series Stretch
- PVC Pass-Throughs
-Figure Eights
Five Rounds
- 400m Run
- 50 Air Squats
- Foam Roll Lats/Glutes/Hams
- Low Dragon
- Legs Up Wall
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
-0.3 mile Bike
- 10 Jumping Lunges
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 5 Air Squats
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 30 sec Plank
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
-OH Distraction
- Rings + Weight
- Rings
- Matador + Weight
- Matador
- Box/Bench + Weight
- Twisted Cross
- Saddle Pose
- Single Leg Forward Fold
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Air Squats
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Push-Ups
-5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Banded Blackburns
2 Hang Clean +1 Power Clean
Seven Rounds
- 12 Thrusters
- 9 T2B/K2E/Sit-Ups
- 200m Run w/MB
Alpha: 95/65; 20/14
Omega: 75/55; 16/12
Fitness: 45/35; 14/10
- Dragon Pose
- Saddle w/Archer Arms
-Ext. Arm Lizard Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 5 Calorie Row - Slow
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Calorie Row - Quicker
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 5 Pull-Ups
- 5 Calorie Row - Fast
20min AMRAP
- 10 Hang Power Cleans
- 30 Burpees
- 16 Calorie Row/Bike
Alpha: 135/95
Omega: 115/75
Fitness: 95/65
- Couch Stretch
- Double Needle
- Saddle w/Archer Arms
- Seal Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
Happy Hanukkah: Chag Urim Sameach!
Wishing your family peace and light this holiday season.
- 200m Run
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- Sled Push/Pull
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Push-Ups
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- 8 Step-Ups
- 5 Pull-Ups
- OH Distraction
- Be the Light the Your World Needs
- Hug Someone
- Smile at Someone New Today
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Bear Crawl/Crab Walk
- 10 Lunges
- 8 Air Squats
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 10 Calorie Bike
- Banded Blackburns
18min AMRAP
- 400m Run
- 12 T2B/K2E/Sit-Ups
- 15 Calorie Bike
Alpha: T2B
Omega: K2E
Fitness: Sit-Ups
- Ext. Arm Lizard Pose
- Down Dog
- Saddle w/Eagle Arms
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- ½ mile Bike
- Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 10 Shoulder Plank Taps
- 10' Plank Walk
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Hanging Shoulder Shrugs
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Banded Face Pulls
10min AMRAP
- 9 S2OH
- 30 DU/50 Singles
- 9 Pull-Ups
- 30 DU/50 Singles
Alpha: 115/75; PU
Omega: 95/65; Jumping/Banded PU
Fitness: 75/55; RR
- Low Dragon
- Twisted Cross
- Thread the Needle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 0.3 Mile Bike
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 5 Push-Ups
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 30 sec Plank
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 200m Run
- OH Distraction
Five Rounds x 3min
- 3 Power Cleans
- 6 Push-Ups
- 9 Air Squats
*Rest 1 min between rounds
Alpha: 135/95
Omega: 115/75
Fitness: 75/55
- Lizard Pose
- Frog Pose
- Forward Fold
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 5/5 Jumping Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Dips
- Instep Series Stretch
Two Rounds
- 400m Run
- 21 Thrusters
Alpha: 95/65
Omega: 75/55
Fitness: 45/35
- Foam Roll Glutes/Hams/Calves
- Dragon Pose
- Legs Up Wall
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 RDL
- 5 Bent Over Row
- 5 Front Squats
- 5 Shoulder Presses
- 5 Back Squats
- 5 Good Mornings
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Calorie Bike
17min AMRAP
- 7 Thrusters
- 7 Front Squats
- 7 Push Presses
- 7 C2B Pull-Ups
- 7 Burpees
- 7 Calorie Bike
- 200m Run
Alpha: 75/55; C2BPU
Omega: 55/45; PU
Fitness: 45/35; RR
- Low Dragon
- Thread the Needle
- Lizard Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- Foam Roll Glutes/Hams
- 350m Row
- 5/5 Single Arm KBS
- 5/5 KB Cleans
- 5/5 KB Snatches
- 10 Goblet Squats
- 5/5 KB OHS
- 15 KBS
- 5/5 KB Lunges
- 10 KB RDL
*Increase wt.
Buy-In 1000m Row
- Alt. KB Snatch
Alpha: 53/35; 75/55
Omega: 44/26; 55/45
Fitness: 35/20; 45/35
- Seal Pose
- Single Leg Forward Fold
- Down Dog
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- ½ mile Bike
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Air Squats
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 10 Shoulder Plank Taps
- Plank Walk
- 35 DU/50 Singles
- Banded Face Pulls
Five Rounds
- ½ Mile Bike
- 50-40-30-20-10
- Push-Ups
- DU/Singles
Alpha: DU
Omega: DU
- Dragon Pose
- Twisted Cros
- Saddle w/Eagle Arms
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- Bear Crawl/Crab Walk
- 250m Row Easy
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 250m Row Quicker
- 5 Dips
- 5 Pull-Ups
- 250m Row Fast
- OH Distraction
- Twisted Cross
- Seal Pose
- Frog Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 5/5 Jumping Lunges
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Instep Series Stretch
- Banded Blackburns
5min AMRAP
Buy-In: 400m Run
Max Rounds
- 12 Front Squats
- 6 Burpees BJ/Steps Over 24/20
Alpha: 115/75
Omega: 95/65
Fitness: 75/55
*Rest 90 sec
5min AMRAP
Buy-In: 400m Run
Max Rounds
- 9 Front Squats
- 6 Burpees BJ/Steps Over 24/20
Alpha: 135/95
Omega: 115/75
Fitness: 95/65
*Rest 90 sec
5min AMRAP
Buy-In: 400m Run
Max Rounds
- 6 Front Squats
- 6 Burpees BJ/Steps Over 24/20
Alpha: 155/105
Omega: 135/95
Fitness: 95/65
- Saddle Pose
- Low Dragon
- Foam Roll Quads/Glutes/Calves
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Duck Walk
- Sled Push/Pull
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 30 sec Plank
- 30 sec Wall Sit
- Banded Lizard Pose
- 12 Deadlifts
- 9 Hang Power Clean
- 6 Push Jerks
- T2B/K2E/Sit-Ups
Alpha: 135/95; T2B
Omega: 115/75; K2E
Fitness:75/55; Sit-Ups
- Bound Ankle
- Seated Forward Fold
- Seated Straddle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
Join us Monday, November 27
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
Happy Black Friday
Join us Monday, November 27
In all times, especially trying ones, be grateful for what you have…
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
Happy Thanksgiving
***8AM ONLY***
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. Melody Beattie
Have a lovely day…
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
5, 6:30, 8:30, 11AM
Gym Closes at Noon
- 15/12 Calorie Bike/Row
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- Plank Walk
- 6 Box Steps
- 10 Air Squats
- 10 Lunges
- Smash Forearms/Triceps
- OH Distraction
*Increase wt.
18min AMRAP
- 30/24 Calorie Bike/Row
- 20 Box Jump/Step-Overs 24/20
- 10 KB Snatch - R
- 10 KB Snatch - L
Alpha: 44/26
Omega: 35/20
Fitness: 18/13
- Twisted Cross
- Lizard Pose
- Seal Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- ½ mile Bike
- 5/5 Jumping Lunges
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Banded Blackburns
- Banded Low Dragon
*Increase wt.
- Dragon Pose
- Couch Stretch
- Thread the Needle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 10 Lunges
- Sled Push/Pull
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Pull-Ups
- 5 RDL
- 5 Bent Over Row
- 5 Front Squats
- 5 Shoulder Press
- 5 Back Squats
- 5 Good Mornings
- Scorpion Stretch
- Instep Series Stretch
*Increase wt.
-30 Deadlifts
-15 Lateral Burpees Over Bar
-20 Power Cleans
-15 Lateral Burpees Over Bar
-10 Power Snatch
-15 Lateral Burpees Over Bar
Alpha: 115/75
Omega: 95/65
Fitness: 75/55
- Double Needle
- Foam Roll Glutes/Hams/Calves
- Bound Ankle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Bear Crawl/Crab Walk
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Push-Ups
- 10 Plank K2E
- 30 sec Wall Sit
- 5 Dips
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 10 Air Squats
- 10 Lunges
- Lizard Pose
- Twisted Cross
- Thread the Needle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 5/5 Jumping Lunges
- 5/5 Side Lunges
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 250m Row
- Banded Leg Ext
- 30 Hang Power Clean
- 40 Push-Ups
- 1000m Row
Alpha: 135/95
Omega: 115/75
Fitness: 95/65
- Saddle w/Eagle Arms
- Single Leg Forward Fold
- Fragon Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 10/7 Calorie Bike
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 6 Step-Ups
- 5/5 KB Row
- 5/5 KB Presses
- 8 Goblet Squats
- 10 KBS
- Banded Face Pulls
*Increase wt.
5min AMRAP
- 15/12 Calorie Bike
- 9 Box Jumps/Steps 24/20
*Rest 2min
5min AMRAP
- 15/12 Calorie Bike
- 9 T2B/K2E/Sit-Ups
Alpha: T2B
Omega: K2E
Fitness: Sit-Ups
*Rest 2min
5min AMRAP
- 15/12 Calorie Bike
- 9 Pull-Ups
Alpha: PU
Omega: Banded/Jumping
Fitness: RR
- Ext. Arm Lizard Pose
- Saddle w/Archer Arms
- Bound Ankle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 10 Calorie Row
- 5 Wide Grip Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 10 Air Squats
- 10 Lunges
- Banded Blackburns
*Increase wt.
10min AMRAP
- Row for Calories
*Every 2min; 10 OHS
Alpha: 95/65
Omega: 75/55
Fitness: 45/35
*Start 0:00
- Twisted Cross
- Down Dog
- Thread the Needle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- Sled Push/Pull
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- OH Distraction
- 5 RDL
- 5 Bent Over Row
- 5 Front Squat
- 5 Shoulder Press
- 5 Back Squat
*Increase wt.
- 800m Run
- 25 Clean & Jerk
- 400m Run
- 20 Power Snatches
- 200m Run
- 15 Thrusters
Alpha: 115/75
Omega: 95/65
Fitness: 75/55
- Foam Roll Glutes/Hams/Calves
- Saddle Pose
- Puppy Dog
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- ½ mile Bike
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 30 sec Plank
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 30 DU/50 Singles
- Instep Series Stretch
*Increase wt.
10min AMRAP
- 5 C2B Pull-Ups
- 30 DU/50 Singles
- 10 Push-Ups
Alpha: DU; C2B PU
Omega: DU; PU
Fitness: Singles; RRx2
- Twisted Cross
- Instep Series Stretch
- Low Dragon
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
Two Sets
- 15/12 Calorie Row
- 5 Push-Ups
- 1 Rope Climb/3 G2Feet
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Calorie Bike
Every 5 min x Five Rounds
- 30/24 Calorie Row
- 3 Rope Climbs
- Max Calorie Bike
Alpha: Rope
Omega: 9 Pull-Ups
Fitness: 18 Ring Rows
- Twisted Cross
- Dragon Pose
- Forward Fold
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Squats
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Pull-Ups
- 30 DU/50 Singles
- Instep Series Stretch
- 5 RDL
- 5 Bent Over Row
- 5 Shoulder Press
- 5 Front Squats
- 5 Back Squats
- 5 Good Mornings
8min AMRAP
- 30 DU/50 Singles
- 3 Power Cleans
- 3 Front Squats
- 3 S2OH
Alpha: DU; 135/95
Omega: DU; 115/75
Fitness: Singles; 95/65
- Frog Pose
- Couch Stretch
- Saddle w/Eagle Arms
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 1/2 mile Bike
- Sled Push/Pull
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Burpees
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 6 Step-Ups
- 10 Jumping Lunges
- Banded Blackburns
12min AMRAP
- 12 Box Jumps/Steps 24/20
- 6 Thrusters
- 6 Lateral Burpees
Alpha: 95/65
Omega: 75/55
Fitness: 45/35
- Legs Up Wall
- Double Needle
- Saddle w/Archer Arms
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Bear Crawl/Crab Walk
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Narrow Grip Push-Ups
- 5 Wide Grip Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 10 Air Squats
- Banded Face Pulls
- Smash & Roll Forearms/Triceps
- Scorpion Stretch
Three Rounds
- 200m Run
- T2B/K2E/Leg Levers
- 200m Run
- Deadlifts
Alpha: T2B; 185/125
Omega: K2E; 155/105
Fitness: LL; 135/95
- Lizard Pose
- Twisted Cross
- Supine Twist
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 10 Calorie Bike/Row
- Plank Walk
- 10 Lunges w/Pass-Through
- 5 OHS w/PVC
- 10 Air Squats
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Banded Low Dragon
- PVC Front Rack Stretch
*Increase wt.
10min AMRAP
- Back Squats
- Calorie Bike/Row
Alpha: 95/65
Omega: 75/55
Fitness: 55/45
- Saddle Pose
- Dragon Pose
- Bound Ankle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 12/9 Calorie Row
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 10 Jumping Lunges
- Pigeon on Box/Bench
- OH Distraction
12min AMRAP:
- 15 Power Snatches (75/55)
- 30/24 Calorie Row
- 45 DU/70 Singles
Alpha: 75/55; DU
Omega: 65/50; DU
Fitness: 45/35; Singles
- Foam Roll Glutes/Hams/Quads
- Low Dragon
- Seal Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 12/9 Calorie Bike
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 10 Plank K2E
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 5 RDL
- 5 Bent Over Row
- 5 Front Squats
- 5 Shoulder Press
- 5 Back Squats
- 5 Good Mornings
30min AMRAP
- 3 Rope Climbs 15'
- 15/10 Calorie Bike
- 10 Thrusters
Alpha: Rope; 115/75
Omega: 5 Strict Pull-Ups; 95/65
Fitness: 10 RR; 75/55
- Double Needle
- Puppy Dog
- Dragon Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 10 Air Squats
- 10 Step-Ups
- 5 KB RDL
- 8 Goblet Squats
- 5/5 KB Presses
- 5/5 KB Rows
- 5/5 KB Lunges
- 10 KBS
- 60 Sit-Ups
- 50 Box Jumps/Steps
- 40 KB S2OH*
- 300' Farmer's Carry*
- 20 KB Box Step Ups
Alpha: 53/35
Omega: 44/26
Fitness: 35/20
* 2 bells
- Lizard Pose
- Seal Pose
- Pigeon Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 250m Row
- 10 Push-Ups
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 10 Lunges
- 200m Run
- PVC Front Rack Stretch
- Pass-Throughs/Figure Eights
18min AMRAP
- 15 Burpees Over Rower
- 400m Run
- 500m Row
- Low Dragon
- Saddle w/Eagle Arms
- Supine Twist
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 1/2 mile Bike
- Bear Crawl/Crab Walk
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 10 Jumping Lunges
- OH Distraction
12min AMRAP
- Power Cleans
- Push-Ups
- Front Squats
- Pull-Ups
Alpha: 135/95; PU
Omega:115/75; Banded
Fitness: 95/65; RRx2
- Thread the Needle
- Twisted Cross
- Down Dog
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Ghoulish Run
- Plank Pumpkin Pushes
- 10 Pumpkin Jumps
- 5 Pumpkin Cleans
- 10 Zombie Lunges
- 5/5 Thriller Side Lunges
- 5 Rise from Dead
- 30sec Dead Freeze
- 5 Earth-Downs
- 1 Spider Wall Walk
Buy-In: 800m Pumpkin Run
Four Rounds
- 13 Deadlifts
- 13 WBS
- 13 HSPU
Buy-Out: 50 Pumpkin Sit-Ups
Alpha: 225/155; 20/14; HSPU
Omega: 185/125; 16/12; 45s Hold
Fitness: 135/95; 14/10; HRPU
- Legs Up Wall
- Couch Stretch
- Saddle Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Sled Push/Pull
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Air Squats
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 6 Step-Ups
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 10/10 Flutter Kicks
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Banded Blackburns
Three Rounds
- 15 T2B/K2E/Sit-Ups
- 30 Hang KB Snatch
- 1 mile Bike
Alpha: T2B; 44/26
Omega: K2E; 35/20
Fitness: Sit-Ups; 18/13
- Dragon Pose
- Single Leg Forward Fold
- Single Leg Saddle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Bear Crawl/Crab Walk
- 5 Push-Ups
- 6 Sit-Ups
- 8 Step-Ups
- 10 Air Squats
- 10 Lunges
- 5/3 Calorie Bike
Ten Rounds
- 6 Burpee Box Jumps/Steps 24/20
- 200m Run
- 7/5 Calorie Bike
- Foam Roll Glutes/Hams/Calves
- Saddle Pose
- Frog Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 5 Hanging Shoulder Shrugs
- 5 Kip Swings
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 8 Push-Ups
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 10 Lunges
- 5/5 Jumping Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- 5 RDL
- 5 Bent Over Row
- 5 Front Squats
- 5 Shoulder Press
- 5 Back Squats
- 5 Good Mornings
Three Rounds
- 21 Deadlifts
- 15 Pull-Ups
- 9 Front Squats
Alpha: 155/105; PU
Omega: 125/85; Banded PU
Fitness: 115/75; RR
- Supine Twist
- Dragon Pose
- Double Needle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Bear Crawl
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 30 sec Plank
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 50 DU/75 Singles
- Banded Blackburns
Three Rounds
- 400m Run
- 50 Sit-Ups
- 30 Push-Ups
- 100 DU/150 Singles
Alpha: DU
Omega: DU
Fitness: Singles
- Thread the Needle
- Low Dragon
- Saddle w/Archer Arms
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
Two Sets
- 10 Calorie Row
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5/5 KB Rows
- 5 Air Squats
-10 Lunges
- 21 Complex
(7 Front Raises, 7 Lateral Raises, 7 Around the Worlds)
7 min AMRAP
- 30 Clean & Jerks
- Max Calorie Row
Alpha: 135/95
Omega: 115/75
Fitness: 75/55
- Twisted Cross
- Seal Pose
- Forward Fold
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 10 OHS w/PVC
- 10 Lunges w/Pass-Though
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 MB Presses
- 5 MB Tosses
- 5 MB Squats
- 5 MB Cleans
- PVC Front Rack Stretch
- OH Distraction
- Legs Up Wall
- Tall Saddle
- Puppy Dog
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 0.3 mile Bike
- 5 Glute Bridges
- Sled Push/Pull
- 8 Step-Ups
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 KB RDL
- 5/5 KB Presses
- 5/5 KB Lunges
- Banded Hamstring Curl
15 min AMRAP
- 7 KB Snatches R
- 7 KB Snatches L
- 0.3 Mile Bike
- 3 Rope Climbs
Alpha: 44/26; Rope
Omega:35/20; 15 Pull-Ups
Fitness: 18/13; 21 RR
- Lizard Pose
- Couch Stretch
- Pigeon Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
Two Sets
- 200m Row
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Air Squats
- 10 Lunges
- 200m Run
Ten Rounds
- 200m Row
- 15 Push-Ups
- Deadlifts
Alpha: 225/155
Omega: 185/125
Fitness: 135/95
- Supine Twist
- Twisted Cross
- Couch Stretch
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 1/2 mile Bike
- 5/5 Jumping Lunges
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Pigeon Pose
- Hang Power Cleans
- Burpees
Omega: 95/65
Fitness: 75/55
- Seated Forward Fold
- Straddle Pose
- Foam Roll Glutes/Quads
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Duck Walk
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 30 sec Plank
- 30 sec Wall Sit
- 10 Air Squats
- 10 Lunges
- 3 Ground 2 Feet
12 min AMRAP
- 1 Rope Climb
- Front Squats
- Push Press
*Add FS and PP each round
Alpha: Rope; 95/65
Omega: 5 PU; 75/55
Fitness: 10 RR; 45/35
- Thread the Needle
- Ext. Arm Lizard
- Saddle w/Archer Arms
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Bear Crawl/Crab Walk
- 30 sec Plank
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Narrow Grip Push-Ups
- 5 Wide Grip Push-ups
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 10 Lunges
- Banded Blackburns
14min AMRAP
- 7 Thrusters
- 7 Box Jumps
- 7 Power Snatches
- 7 Box Jumps/Steps 24/20
Alpha: 95/65
Omega: 75/55
Fitness: 45/35
- Twisted Cross
- Legs Up Wall
- Double Needle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 12/9 Calorie Bike
- 10 Shoulder Plank Taps
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 10 Lunges w/PVC
- 10 AIr Squats
- PVC Front Rack Stretch
- OH Distraction
Five Rounds
- 20/15 Calorie Bike
- 10 Burpee Pull-Ups
Buy-Out: 400m Farmers Carry
Alpha: 53/35
Omega: 44/26
Fitness: 35/20
- Saddle Pose
- Seated Straddle
- Forward Fold
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 8 Step-Ups
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Instep Series Stretch
- 30 Power Cleans
- 400m Run
- 20 Front Squats
- 400m Run
- 10 Squat Cleans
- 400m Run
Alpha: 135/95
Omega: 115/75
Fitness: 95/65
- Dragon Pose
- Frog Pose
- Foam Roll Glutes/Hams/Quads
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
Two Sets
- 200m Run
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Pull-Ups
- OH Distraction
Three Rounds
- 400m Plate Run
- 3 Rope Climbs
- 12 Thrusters
Alpha: 45/35; Rope; 115/75
Omega: 25/15; 9 Pull-Ups; 95/65
Fitness: 15/10; 18 RR; 75/55
- Foam Roll Lats/Glutes/Hams/Quads
- Frog Pose
- Double Needle
- Low Dragon
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 400m Row
- 10 Air Squats
- 10 Lunges
- 30 sec Wall Sit
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Hanging Shoulder Shrugs
- 5 Kip Swings
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 5/5 KB Presses
- 5/5 KB Lunges
- 6 Goblet Squats
*Increase wt.
- Low Dragon
- Seated Straddle
- Bound Ankle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 250m Row
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 30 sec Plank
- 10 Lunges
- 8 Step-Ups
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 6 Air Squats
- 5 Snatch Grip RDL
- 5 Bent Over Row
- 5 Front Squats
- 5 Good Mornings
- Banded Blackburns
*Increase wt.
*Increase wt.
4min AMRAP x Three Rounds
- 500/450 Meter Row
- 20 Deadlifts
- Max Box Jumps/Steps
Alpha: 185/125
Fitness: 115/75
*Record Jumps/Steps
- Seal Pose
- Supine Twist
- Saddle Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 10 Air Squats
- 10 Glute Bridges
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Plank K2E
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Banded Leg Ext.
*Increase wt.
Three Rounds
- 40 Abmat Sit-Ups
- 15 Pull-Ups
- 30 Push-Ups
- 45 Air Squats
- 200m Farmers Carry
Alpha: PU; 53/35
Omega: Jumping PU; 44/26
Fitness: RR; 35/20
- Twisted Cross
- Lizard Pose w/Twist
- Couch Stretch
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 12/9 Calorie Bike/Row
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 30 sec Plank
- 10 Shoulder Plank Taps
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Banded Blackburns
12min AMRAP
- 30/24 Calorie Bike/Row
- 10 Clean & Jerks
Alpha: 115/75
Omega: 95/65
Fitness: 75/55
- Thread the Needle
- Twisted Cross
- Dragon Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 400m Run
- 10 Lunges
- Bear Crawl
- Sled Push/Pull
- 5 Air Squats
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 1/2 mile Bike
- Instep Series Stretch
*Increase wt.
- 300 DU/450 Singles
- 1 Mile Run
- 50 T2B/K2E/Leg Levers
Alpha: DU; T2B
Omega: DU; K2E
Fitness: Singles; LL
- Legs Up Wall
- Foam Roll Glutes/Hams/Calves
- Single Leg Forward Fold
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
Two Sets
- 250m Row
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 200m Run
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
Four Rounds
- 750m Row
- 25 Burpees
- 25 Box Jumps/Steps 24/20
- 800m Run
- Low Dragon
- Foam Roll Glutes/Hams/Quads
- Instep Series Stretch
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Hanging Shoulder Shrugs
- 5 Kip Swings
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Low Dragon
- T2B/K2E/Sit-Ups
- 50 DU/Singles
- Power Cleans
- 50 DU/75 Singles
Alpha: T2B; DU; 135/95
Omega: K2E; DU; 115/75
Fitness: SU; Singles; 75/55
- Low Dragon
- Bound Ankle
- Ext. Arm Lizard Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Broad Jumps
- Bear Crawl/Crab Walk
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 30 sec Plank
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 5 Sit-Ups
-10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- Banded Blackburns
Increase wt.
Increase wt.
- 400m Run
- 50 Burpees
- 40 Pull-Ups
- 30 Air Squats
- 20 KBS
- 10 HSPU
- 400m Run
Alpha: PU; 70/53; HSPU
Omega: Jumping PU; 53/35; 90sec Inv. Hold
Fitness: RR; 35/20; Push-Ups
- Forward Fold
- Puppy Dog
- Down Dog
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 1/2 Mile Bike
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Air Squats
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 6 Step-Ups
- Sled Push/Pull
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
Five Rounds
- 12 Push Presses
- 20 Box Jumps/Steps 24/20
Alpha: 115/75
Omega: 95/65
Fitness: 75/55
- Dragon Pose
- Supine Twist
- Thread the Needle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 KB RDL
- 5/5 KB Rows
- 5/5 KB Presses
- 8 Goblet Squats
- 5/5 KB Lunges
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 1 Ground2Feet
- OH Distraction
7min AMRAP x Three Rounds
- 20 KB Snatches
- 800m Run
- Max Rope Climbs
Alpha: 44/26; Rope
Omega: 35/20; Pull-Ups
Fitness: 18/13; RR
- Twisted Cross
- Saddle w/Archer Arms
- Low Dragon
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 350m Row
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Squat Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Instep Series Stretch
- 30 Front Squats
- 200m Farmers Carry
- 1000m Row
Alpha: 135/95; 53/35
Omega: 115/75; 44/26
Fitness: 95/65; 35/20
- Saddle Pose
- Lizard Pose
- Seated Straddle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
Two Sets
- 250m Row
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Air Squats
- 10 Lunges
- 200m Run
Five Rounds
- 500m Row
- 30 AbMat Sit-Ups
- 30 Deadlifts
Alpha: 185/125
Omega: 155/105
Fitness: 135/95
- Supine Twist
- Dragon Pose
- Legs Up Wall
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Duck Walk
- Lunge Walk Sled Push
- 5 Jumping Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Banded Low Dragon
*Increase wt.
7min AMRAP
- EMOM (Starting at 1:00)
- 5 Deadlifts
Alpha: 20/14; 225/155
Omega: 16/12; 185/125
Fitness: 14/10; 135/95
*Record WBS
- Saddle Pose
- Couch Stretch
- Seated Forward Fold
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 10 Calorie Bike
- 8 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 10 Plank K2E
- 5 Pull-Ups
- Banded Blackburns
*Increase wt.
- Power Snatch
- Push-Ups
- Bike Calories
Alpha: 95/65; PU
Omega: 75/55; Banded/Jumping
Fitness: 45/35; RR
- Dragon Pose
- Straddle Pose
- Thread the Needle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Inchworms
- 5 Push-Ups
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 10 Air Squats
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Squat Jumps
- 30 DU/50 Singles
*Increase wt.
15min AMRAP
- 7 T2B/K2E/Sit-Ups
- 5 Thrusters
- 30 DU/50 Singles
Alpha: 95/65
Omega: 75/55
Fitness: 55/45
- Low Dragon
- Supine Twist
- Seal Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 250m Row
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 30 sec Plank
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 5 Air Squats
- 10 Lunges
- OH Distraction
*Increase wt.
4min AMRAP x Four Rounds
- 10 Lateral Barbell Burpees
- 500/400m Row
- Max Hang Power Cleans
*Rest 90sec
Alpha: 115/75
Omega: 95/65
Fitness: 75/55
- Twisted Cross
- Saddle w/Archer Arms
- Forward Fold
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- Sled Pull/Push
- 200m Run
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 10 Glute Bridges
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Pull-Ups
- Instep Series Stretch
*Increase wt.
- Front Squats
- C2BPull-Ups
Alpha: 115/75; C2BPU
Omega: 95/65; PU
Fitness: 75/55; RRx2
- Foam Roll Glutes/Hams/Quads
- Frog Pose
- Lizard Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 10 Calorie Bike
- 10 Step-Ups
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 5 Swimmers
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Rocket Jumps
25min AMRAP
- 30 Calorie Bike
- 15 Burpee Box Jumps/Steps
- 10 Power Snatches
Alpha: 115/75
Omega: 95/65
Fitness: 75/55
- Legs Up Wall
- Dragon Pose
- Puppy Dog
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Duck Walk
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Air Squats w/Hold
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 RDL
- 5 Bent Over Row
- 5 Front Squats
- 5 Shoulder Press
- 5 Back Squats
- 5 Good Mornings
12min AMRAP
- 15 Wall Balls
- Burpees
Alpha: 20/14
Omega: 16/12
Fitness: 14/10
- Twisted Cross
- Thread the Needle
- Frog Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
Two Sets
- 200m Run
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Pull-Ups
- Banded Blackburns
*Increase wt.
*Increase wt.
Every 3:00 x Six Rounds
- 400m Run/Row/Ski
- 12 T2B/K2E/Sit-Ups
Alpha: T2B
Omega: K2E
Fitness: Sit-Ups
*Record Slowest Round
- Low Dragon
- Puppy Dog
- Lizard Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 10/8 Calorie Bike/Row
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 10 Air Squats
- 30 sec Plank
- 10 Plank K2E
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 10 Glute Bridges
- 8 Step-Ups
- Banded Straight Leg Ext.
14min AMRAP
- 8 KB Box Step-Ups 24/20
- 10 KB Snatches
- 12/10 Calorie Bike/Row
Alpha: 53/35
Omega: 44/26
Fitness: 35/20
- Pigeon Pose
- Supine Twist
- Down Dog
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 200m Run
- Bear Crawl/Crab Walk
- 5 Swimmers
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 5 Push-Ups
- 10 Air Squats
- OH Distraction
*Increase wt.
Five Rounds
- 5 Clean and Jerks
- 200m Run
- 5 Pull-Ups
- 10 Push-Ups
- 15 Air Squats
Alpha: 135/95; PU
Omega: 115/75; Assisted
Fitness: 75/55; RRx2
- Dragon Pose
- Saddle w/Archer Arms
- Thread the Needle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 250m Row
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 30 sec Squat Hold
- 10 Lunges
- Instep Series Stretch
- Seal Pose
- Legs Up Wall
- Couch Stretch
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Swimmers
- 8 Goblet Squats
- 5/5 Single Arm KBS
- 10 KB RDL
- 5/5 KB Presses
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
Seven Rounds
- 7 C2BPU
- 7 KB Front Squats (2)
- 7 KB Push Jerks (R)
- 7 KB Push Jerks (L)
Alpha: C2BPU; 53/35
Omega: PU; 44/26
Fitness: RRx2; 35/20
- Bound Ankle
- Thread the Needle
- Saddle w/Archer Arms
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- Foam Roll Quads/Glutes
- 400m Run
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- Duck Walk
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Swimmers
- 10 Lunges
12min AMRAP
- 2 Cleans
- 40 DU/60 Singles
- 8 T2B/K2E/Sit-Ups
*Add 2 Cleans each Rd
Alpha: 135/95; DU; T2b
Omega: 115/75; DU; K2E
Fitness: 75/55; Singles; SU
- Seal Pose
- Saddle Pose
- Frog Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 10/8 Calorie Bike
- 8 Jumping Lunges
- 5 Push-Ups
- 200m Run
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 10 Glute Bridges
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 5 Air Squats
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Banded Blackburns
Five Rounds for Quality
- 10/8 Calorie Bike
- 6 Ring Dips
- 4 Strict Pull-Ups
- 200m Run
Alpha: Rings; PU
Omega: Matador; Negatives
Fitness: Box/Assisted; Banded
- Couch Stretch
- Legs Up Wall
- Down Dog
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 1/2 mile Bike
- 10 Glute Bridges
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 30 sec Plank
- 30 sec Squat Hold
- 5 Swimmers
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Jumping Air Squats
- Scorpion Stretch
- Thrusters
- Bar-Facing Burpees
Alpha: 75/55
Omega: 55/45
Fitness: 45/35
- Supine Twist
- Twisted Cross
- Lizard Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Bear Crawl/Crab Walk
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 250m Row
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- OH Distraction
- PVC Front Rack Stretch
Three Rounds
- 500m Row
- 400m Run
*Rest 1 min between rounds
- Thread the Needle
- Saddle w/Archer Arms
- Low Dragon
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- Foam Roll Lats/Glutes/Hams
- Supine Twist
- Dragon
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Bear Crawl/Crab Walk
- 5 Push-Ups
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 5/5 KB Shoulder Press
- 5/5 KB Rows
28min AMRAP
- 27 AbMat Sit-Ups
- 21 KB Floor Press (2)
- 15 Pull-Ups
*Every 4 min Run 200m
Alpha: 53/35
Omega: 44/26
Fitness: 35/20
- Double Needle
- Single Leg Forward Fold
- Couch Stretch
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 500m Row
- Sled Push/Pull
- 10 Lunges w/Pass-Through
- 10 OHS w/PVC
- 5 RDL
- 5 Upright Row
- 5 Shoulder Press
- 5 Front Squats
- 5 Good Mornings
- 50 Thrusters
- 30 Bar-Facing Burpees
- 1000m Row
Alpha: 75/55
Omega: 55/45
Fitness: 45/35
- Foam Roll Quads/Glutes
- Saddle Pose
- Seal Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 10/7 Calorie Row/Bike
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 10 Plank K2E
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 10 Lunges
- Banded Blackburns
15min AMRAP
- 30 WBS
- 20/15 Calorie Row/Bike
- 10 Power Cleans
Alpha: 20/14; 135/95
Omega: 16/12; 115/75
Fitness: 14/10; 75/55
- Twisted Cross
- Puppy Dog
- Cat/Cow
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 30 sec Plank
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Banded Straight Leg Ext.
Four Rounds
- 12 WTD Sit-Ups
- 400m Run
- 24 KB Snatches
Alpha: 45/35; 44/26
Omega: 25/15; 35/20
Fitness: 15/10; 18/13
- Low Dragon
- Supine Twist
- Saddle w/Eagle Arms
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 15/12 Calorie Bike/Row
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 30 DU/50 Singles
- OH Distraction
12min AMRAP
- 75/65 Calorie Bike/Row
Then, Max Rounds ...
- 30 DU/50 Singles, 1 Front Squat
- 30 DU/50 Singles, 2 Front Squats
- 30 DU/50 Singles, 3 Front Squats
Alpha: DU; 115/75
Omega: DU; 95/65
Fitness: Singles; 75/55
- Dragon Pose
- Thread the Needle
- Foam Roll Glutes/Hams/Quads
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
In honor of Labor Day,
***8:30AM CLASS ONLY***
- 200m Run
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Air Squats
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Pull-Ups
- Saddle Pose
- Legs Up Wall
- Lizard Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 10/7 Calorie Row
- 10 Jumping Lunges
- 5 Air Squats
- 30 sec Wall Sit
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 15 KBS
18min AMRAP
- 10/7 Calorie Row
- 6 Hang KB Power Snatches
- 12 T2B/K2E/Sit-Ups
Alpha: 53/35; T2B
Omega: 44/26; K2E
Fitness: 35/20; Sit-Ups
- Seated Straddle
- Forward Fold
- Down Dog
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 10 Calorie Bike/Row
- 10 Lunges
- 200m Run
- 10 Jumping Air Squats
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Banded Blackburns
Three Rounds
- 90sec Calories Bike/Row
- 400m Run in 180sec
- 60 sec 3 PC+FS+S2OH
* 1 Minute Rest
Alpha: 75/55
Omega: 55/45
Fitness: 45/35
- Dragon Pose
- Puppy Dog
- Bound Ankle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- Foam Roll Glutes/Hams
- 200m Run
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 10 Glute Bridges
- 5 Push-Ups
- 10 Ring Rows
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 10 Calorie Bike
15min AMRAP
- 5 C2BPU
- 30 DU/50 Singles
- 10 Push-Ups
Alpha: C2BPU; DU
Omega: PU; DU
Fitness: RRx2; Singles
- Thread the Needle
- Supine Twist
- Saddle w/Archer Arms
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 12/9 Calorie Row
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 30 sec Plank
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 5 MB RDL
- 5 MB PP
- 5 MB Squats
- OH Distraction
Five Rounds
- 15/12 Calorie Row
- 15 WBS
Alpha: 20/14
Omega: 16/12
Fitness: 14/10
- Twisted Cross
- Seal Pose
- Lizard Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Duck Walk
- Sled Push/Pull
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 10 Glute Bridges
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- Instep Series Stretch
Three Rounds
- 400m Run
- 21 Burpees
- Low Dragon
- Couch Stretch
- Foam Roll Glutes/Hams/Calves
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 1/2 Mile Bike
- 10 Lunges
- 8 Step-Ups
- 6 MB Thrusters
- 5 MB OH Squats
- 6 Sit-Ups
- 8 Goblet Squats
- 10 KBS
- 200m Run
- Box Jumps/Steps 24/20
Alpha: 20/14; 53/35
Omega: 16/12; 44/26
Fitness: 14/10; 35/20
- Foam Roll Glutes/Hams/Quads
- Straddle Pose
- Ext. Arm Lizard Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Duck Walk
- Sled Pull
- 10 Lunges w/Pass-Through
- 5 OHS w/PVC
- 30 sec Plank
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Instep Series Stretch
15min AMRAP
- 12 Deadlifts
- 9 Hang Power Clean
- 6 Push Jerk
- 1-2-3-4-5
- Rope Climbs 15'
Alpha: 135/95; Rope
Omega: 115/75; PUx5
Fitness: 75/55; RRx3
- Saddle w/Eagle Arms
- Down Dog
- Single Leg Forward Fold
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 250m Row
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 200m Run
- Banded Blackburns
24min EMOM
- ODD: Bike Calories
- EVEN: Row Calories
*Record Lowest Round Total
- Seated Straddle
- Forward Fold
- Seal Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Bear Crawl
- 10 Glute Bridges
- Sled Push/Pull
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 10 Plank K2E
- 5 Sit-Ups
- Scorpion Stretch
Three Rounds
- 400m Run
- 30-20-10 WTD Sit-Ups
- 30 KB Reverse Lunges
Alpha: 45/35; 2x53/35
Omega: 25/15; 2x44/26
Fitness: 15/10; 2x35/20
- Low Dragon
- Supine Twist
- Foam Roll Glutes/Hams
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 10 Calorie Bike/200m Run
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 10 Lunges w/Pass-Through
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 5 Swimmers
- OH Distraction
- Figure Eights
3min AMRAP x Five Rounds
- 30/24 Calorie Bike/400m Run
- 60 DU/ 85 Singles
- Max Power Snatches
- Rest 90 sec
Alpha: DU; 95/65
Omega: DU; 75/55
Fitness: Singles; 45/35
- Puppy Dog
- Saddle w/Archer Arms
- Dragon Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 10/12 Calorie Row/Bike
- 20 MTN Climbers
- 30 sec Plank
- 5 Push-Ups
- 10 Glute Bridges
- 10 Air Squats
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Banded Straight Leg Raises
15min AMRAP
- 40/30 Calorie Row/Bike
- 20 Thrusters
- 10 Burpee Pull-Ups
Alpha: 75/55
Omega: 55/45
Fitness: 45/35
- Lizard Pose
- Couch Stretch
- Bound Ankle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 200m Run
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 200m Run
- 10 Air Squats
- 10 MB Thrusters
- OH Distraction
*Increase wt.
- 800m Run/Row
- 50 WBS
- 800m Run/Row
- 50 WBS
Alpha: 20/14
Omega: 16/12
Fitness: 14/10
- Legs Up Wall
- Frog Pose
- Bound Ankle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Pull-Ups
- 250m Row
- 5 Push-Ups
- 0.3 Mile Bike
- 10 Air Squats
- PVC Front Rack Stretch
- Pass-Throughs/Figure Eights
*Increase wt.
- 1/2 Mile Bike
- 400m Row
- 1 Mile Bike
- 800m Row
- 2 Mile Bike
- 1200m Row
- Down Dog
- Pigeon Pose
- Instep Series Stretch
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 5 Broad Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 30 sec Inverted Hold
- 5 Hanging Shoulder Shrugs
- 5 Kip Swings
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Scorpion Stretch
*Increase wt.
Three Rounds
- 21 Pull-Ups
- 15 HSPU/30 sec Hold/HRPU
- 9 Thrusters
Alpha: PU; HSPU; 105/70
Omega: Banded; Hold; 85/60
Fitness: RR; HRPU; 55/45
- Supine Twist
- Saddle w/Archer Arms
- Dragon Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 9/6 Calorie Bike
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 6 Step-Ups
- 30 sec Plank
- 10 Shoulder Plank Taps
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- OH Distraction
*Increase wt.
5min AMRAP
- 5 Power Cleans
- 10 Box Jumps/Steps 24/20
- 15/12 Calorie Bike
- Rest 90sec
Alpha: 135/95
Omega: 115/75
Fitness: 75/55
5min AMRAP
- 5 Power Cleans
- 10 Box Jumps/Steps 24/20
- 15/12 Calorie Bike
- Rest 90sec
Alpha: 115/75
Omega: 95/65
Fitness: 65/50
5min AMRAP
- 5 Power Cleans
- 10 Box Jumps/Steps 24/20
- 15/12 Calorie Bike
Alpha: 95/65
Omega: 75/55
Fitness: 45/35
- Saddle w/Archer
- Double Needle
- Lizard Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 10 Calorie Row/Bike
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Air Squats
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Banded Blackburns
*Increase wt.
Four Rounds
- 50 DU/50 Singles
- 25 Calorie Row/Bike
- 15 Burpees
- 10 T2B/K2E/Sit-Ups
Alpha: DU; T2B
Omega: DU; K2E
Fitness: Singles; Sit-Ups
- Low Dragon
- Twisted Cross
- Thread the Needle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 1/2 mile Bike
- 10 Lunges
- 5 MB RDL
- 5 MB Squats
- 5 MB Presses
- 5 MB Thrusters
- 5 Push-Ups
- 200m Run
25min AMRAP
- 800m Bike
- 10 Push-Ups
- 15 WBS
- 200m Run
Alpha: 20/14
Omega: 16/12
Fitness: 14/10
- Low Dragon
- Legs Up Wall
- Saddle w/Eagle Arms
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
Two Sets
- 200m Ruin
- 5 Rocket Jumps
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Pull-Ups
- PVC Front Rack Stretch
- Banded Blackburns
12min AMRAP
- 9 Box Jumps/Steps 24/20
- 6 Push-Ups
- 3 Power Snatches
Alpha: 95/65
Omega: 75/55
Fitness: 45/35
- Lizard Pose
- Foam Roll Quads/Glutes/Hams
- Puppy Dog
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 250m Row
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- 200m Run
- Instep Series Stretch
*Increase wt.
Three Rounds
- 400m Row
- 300' Farmers Carry
- 200m Run
- 10 Deadlifts
Alpha: 53/35; 185/125
Omega: 44/26; 155/105
Fitness: 35/20; 135/95
- Seal Pose
- Supine Twist
- Instep Series Stretch
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 5 Calorie Bike - Slow
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Air Squats
- 5 Calorie Bike - Faster
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Calorie Bike - Fastest
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- Banded Blackburns
*Increase Wt.
- C2B Pull-Ups
- Thrusters
- Calorie Bike
Alpha: C2BPU; 95/65
Omega: PU; 75/55
Fitness: RR; 45/35
- Down Dog
- Cat Cow
- Bound Ankle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 10/7 Calorie Row/Bike
- Bear Crawl
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 10/7 Calorie Bike/Row
- OH Distraction
*Increase wt.
- 30 Back Squats
- 150 DU/200 Singles
- 50/40 Calorie Row/Bike
- 50/40 Calorie Bike/Row
- 150 DU/200 Singles
- 30 Back Squats
Alpha: 95/65; DU
Omega: 75/55; DU
Fitness:45/35; Singles
- Twisted Cross
- Saddle w/Archer Arms
- Seated Straddle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 400m Run
- Bear Crawl
- 5 Swimmers
- 5 Push-Ups
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
In honor of the 19 Arizona firefighters who were lost while trying to defend the ranch community of Yarnell, Arizona on Jun 30, 2013.
- Instep Series Stretch
- Bound Ankle
- Saddle w/Archer Arms
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 10 Lunges
- 6 Step-Ups
- 5 Scapula Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 6 Sit-Ups
- 5/5 KB Presses
- 5/5 KB Rows
- 10 KBS
PVC Front Rack Stretch
14min AMRAP
- 12 T2B/K2E/Sit-Ups
- 9 Burpee Box Jump/Step-Overs 24/20
- 6 KB Box Steps (1bell)
Alpha: T2B; 53/35
Omega: K2E; 44/26
Fitness: Sit-Ups; 35/20
- Seal Pose
- Down Dog
- Puppy Dog
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
Two Sets
-0.3 Mile Bike
- 5 Push-Ups
- 250m Row
- 10 Lunges
- OH Distraction
Four Rounds
- 2min Bike/Row
- 2min Row/Bike
*1 Minute Rest
- Legs Up Wall
- Couch Stretch
- Pigeon Pose
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- Duck Walk
- Sled Push/Pull
- 5 Glute Bridges
- 5 Sit-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 10 Plank K2E
- 30 sec Inverted Hold
- 25 DU/50 Singles
- Instep Series Stretch
12min AMRAP
- 9 Front Squats
- 6 HSPU/Decline PU/HRPU
- 30 DU/50 Singles
Alpha: 115/75; HSPU; DU
Omega: 95/65; Decline; DU
Fitness: 75/55; HRPU; Singles
- Saddle Pose
- Supine Twist
- Thread the Needle
Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFitAOP
- 200m Run
- 10 Lunges
- 5 Jumping Air Squats
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Yoga Push-Ups
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups
- 15/12 Calorie Bike
- Banded Blackburns
Hinshaw Warm Up (10-12 minutes)
8:00 AMRAP
20-second Air Bike
50m Run
30 Single Unders