We Are Hiring
While Alpha Omega Sports Performance/CrossFit AOP is already the largest CrossFit gym in the Panhandle, we continue to grow quickly, driven by happy members’ word-of-mouth and successful client outcomes. As a result, we are always looking to hire more great coaches and staff.
Initially, we hired and promoted entirely from our own clients. By now, however, we have expanded our search to the CrossFit community at large. We think a job at CrossFit AOP is both a great career opportunity, and a chance to impact the lives and athletic performance of a large number of people.
Applicants are required to have a CrossFit Level 1 Certification, a strong background in CrossFit and related fields (whether through degree, certification, or real-world coaching experience) and a well-endorsed track record of coaching CrossFit in a group context.
To apply for a position, please send your resume, three references, and a short cover letter explaining why you’re the obvious choice for the job to careers.alphaomega@gmail.com. We will respond within 7 days; if it appears you may be a fit, our next step is an behavioral-based interview, peer interview, followed by coaching observation at CrossFit AOP.