Written by Alyssa
May 17, 2020
Based on the latest announcement from Governor DeSantis regarding his reopening plan, Safe. Smart. Step-by-Step, Alpha Omega Sports Performance will begin reopening our facility on Monday, May 18, 2020. We must remain focused on the health and safety of ourselves, employees, families, clients, and communities as we continue to adapt to the current environment. Therefore, gym hours will be different as we phase our reopening the first week…
Gym Hours
The team has worked diligently on creating a clean and safe environment for your return and we are excited to share it with you. Everything has been cleaned, disinfected, and sanitized for your safety. The priority for us all is to care first for ourselves and our families, then our neighbors and community. Please remember to be patient and kind as we all adapt to the changes in place to achieve our priorities of safety, health, and wellness. In an effort to assist with the safety of our clients and employees, we will follow the below guidelines for entry…
Entry Guidelines
As you recall, training plans were terminated or frozen for all clients and no one was billed during the closure, therefore we have a little paperwork to complete as we return to training. When you return, you must reactivate your account by choosing the plan that works best for you…
Reactivate Your Account
As the situation around COVID-19 continues to evolve, what we will not change is our commitment to do everything we can to help ensure the health and safety of everyone at Alpha Omega. We have earned your trust and loyalty for over 7 years through our commitment to providing you a home to achieve your goals and there is no time like the present to continue to serve with those values in mind. Thank You for your support and we look forward to seeing everyone upon your return.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at 850.377.1862 or joseph@mccrorymgmtgroup.com.
My very best,
Joseph T. McCrory