Be Hopeful Friend

10th Apr 2020

Be Hopeful Friend

Written by Alyssa

Are you hopeful for tomorrow? Are you hopeful that things will begin fresh and new? Does life, current circumstances, and cloudy skies have you blue? You control your perspective and write your story, so turn to friends, family, and loved ones to gather strength for another day and be hopeful that tomorrow the sun will rise and new stories will be ready to write.

Strickland Gillilan

Be hopeful, friend, when clouds are dark and days are gloomy, dreary,

Be hopeful even when the heart is sick and sad and weary,

Be hopeful when it seems your plans are all opposed and thwarted;

Go not upon life’s battlefield despondent and fainthearted.

And, friends, be hopeful of yourself. Do bygone follies haunt you?

Forget them and begin afresh. And let no hinderance daunt you.

Though unimportant your career may seem as you begin it,

Press on, for victory’s ahead. Be hopeful, friend, and win it.