Nature is Filled with Struggle

23rd Mar 2020

Nature is Filled with Struggle

Written by Alyssa

Nature is filled with struggle. The emperor moth experiences extreme pain and an intense battle to escape its cocoon and enter the world to develop into the perfect insect.  It must force its way through the neck of the covering for hours suffering through extreme pressure. Naturalists have hypothesized this extreme birth is nature’s way of forcing life into the insect’s wings. It is said that an onlooker once attempted to lessen the pain of an emerging larvae and minimize the struggle by using small scissors to free the insect, but without the pressure of escape, the animal never developed wings and only crawled during its short life instead of flying through the air. With pain, comes growth. Sorrow, suffering, trials, and tribulations are designed to grow us into the creatures we are meant to be. Trust the process and push forward.

Do not become discouraged – adapt and overcome. We will all be better once we emerge from our pain and suffering.